Printable Saint Games

Last year I posted some game ideas for All Saints Day parties, but most of them were for bigger parties. Today I wanted to feature some saintly games that can be useful for smaller crowds, classrooms, or even just fun this week for at-home! You can find all of my All Saints’ Day resources for kids here.

All Saints' Day Printable Games

Also, you should totally check out my All Saints’ Day food labels! This is the perfect All Saints’ Day party printable as it turns everyday kid snacks into symbols of the Saints, making celebrating a breeze for mom!

All Saints' Day Party Printable Pack

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Printable Saint Guess Who

First up, Guess Who: Saint Edition! What a great idea! This game comes from Arma Dei, and they have tons of great stuff for Catholic kids. Over at Arma Dei, find the FREE printable templates to convert your Guess Who game into Saintly Guess Who! Memories Of A Catholic Wife And Mother also has a version here. I think this game is just too cute!

Saint Memory Game

Catholic Playground has a version of this that is free to print here!

Printable Saint Bingo

Paintable Saint Word Games

Hope these printable Saint games help you out this year! If you know of more awesome resources for Catholic kids please leave the links in the comments! God bless.


  1. Hello, I think this is great! We don’t celebrate Halloween like most but what we will do this year is have a small homeschooling All saints Day party and this game is just what I had in mind !! Thank you for sharing it! I have an idea if you like you can use it, what I was thinking before I ran into your site was taking Saints as you have and also taking their patron symbol or what they are know for.. and see who could match them: ie- Saint Michael matched with soldiers or Elizebeth Seton with Homeschooling..something like that. I am a mother of four young boys and more hands on the better!
    May God richly bless you and your family and may Mary protect and hold you in her Mantel.
    thanks again so much you just made my job a little easier!