First Friday Linky!

As promised, the First Friday linky has been moved from Good Friday to today! 🙂

We had a spectacular Easter Sunday, and I am so glad that the Easter season has only just begun!

We used my Resurrection story napkin rings as dinner. So much fun!

We had plenty of egg hunting! When we hide the eggs, the yellow and orange ones are hidden very easily and only for children 4 and under to find. This works really well!

We’re going to be beginning our Easter countdown calendars today (They run from Easter Sunday through Pentecost, but we  didn’t have time to start them yesterday.)

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

Perfect for families! Each month you gain access to printable activity pages, crafts, home altar pieces, and more.
Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!

We’re also going to continuing our Divine Mercy Novena, and lighting our at-home Pascal Candle each night at dinner.

Here are my favorite things about this 50 day Easter season:

  1. There was no pressure to “get it all in” before Easter day. You can still make Resurrection Rolls, Easter crafts, or fun jelly bean recipes. It’s not “over”…. it just started!
  2. We spent so long “living” Lent and the Stations of the Cross, and now we are going to be working our way through the Stations of the Resurrection. I’m very excited about this!
  3. We get to celebrate Easter longer than we observed Lent, and that’s awesome!!! 🙂

How did your family celebrate the Triduum? What did you do for Easter Sunday? How will you keep the Easter season going through Pentecost? Share your posts below!

First Friday Link Up

You must link back to this post in order to share a link. Please do not share a link that has been shared at a previous link-up here. I reserve the right to remove links without warning or explanation. You can read all the linky rules here.


  1. I was looking for the link for the colored Easter Countdown. Where would the link be?

  2. Lacy, your children are beautiful, and I love your centerpiece and the napkin rings. we are going to be using your Easter to Pentecost Calendar. Happy Easter!!!

  3. Teresa Arsenault says

    What beautiful children you have. Thank you for sharing your wonderful crafts. I am helping to home school 3 darling little ones and your crafts are perfect.

  4. Jennifer @ Crafolic says

    Hi Lacy, Thanks for another link-up! Your kids look too cute! I hope you all have a wonderful Easter season! God bless!