When I was volunteering at Vacation Bible School over the Summer, my station met in the church, so we taught each group that came through how to genuflect and make the sign of the cross before entering. I was surprised at how many kids (up through 5th grade!) could not do these basic things correctly. We had to re-cap with each group every day that week before entering. Sometimes I think the simple things can be overlooked when looking at the big picture, but it’s important to check and make sure your children are doing this correctly. You can find out everything you need to know about the Sign of the Cross here. Today let’s look at 4 tips to teach kids how to make the Sign Of The Cross.
If you are teaching Religious Ed, I would definitely encourage you to check each year that children can correctly make the sign of the cross! Here are some ways you can help them learn correctly, especially preschoolers and toddlers who may need the extra help.
If you are teaching Catholic preschoolers, I would encourage you to take a look at my book, Catholic ABC’s! It’s a fully Catholic curriculum for preschoolers that is hands on and full of fun crafts! You can read more about it here.

How To Teach Kids To Make The Sign Of The Cross
1. Use a mirror! They had this mirror in Lydia’s preschool class last year. Tape pictures of the sign of the cross around the edge and let the kids see themselves as they practice. A mirror like this could be a great addition to a classroom prayer table!
for the pictures- it’s free to print!
2. Use a sticker! Kids often get mixed up with which hand to use. That is easily corrected! Just put a cross sticker on your child’s right hand. Tell her that this is her right hand- the hand we use to make the sign of the cross. I use these cross stickers because they’re cheap and perfect for this.
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3. Do it backwards. I found that when standing in front of a group of kids, teaching them to genuflect and make the sign of the cross, it really helped if I did it backwards with my left hand. This way I was a mirror image of them. (This is tip I gleaned from doing exercise videos. It’s so much easier that they do it backwards for you!) Alternately, you can stand in front of the group and face the same way as them to help.
4. Make a craft! You knew I was going to suggest a craft, right? I’m actually planning on making this with my kids this afternoon- a sign of the cross necklace! Isn’t this great?!
Trinity Book For Kids
If you are looking to teach kids more about the Holy Trinity, you should definitely check out my printable book Teach Catholic Kids About The Trinity! There is a page in the book dedicated to the Sign Of The Cross as well. 😉
Be sure to check out my post with everything you need to know about the Sign of the Cross here!
I taught myself a song when I started studying Catholicism in college – unfortunately I can’t upload the music file here, but I can tell you the words.
“Father God, be on our minds;
Christ, his Son, be in our hearts;
Holy Spirit, surround us – your wisdom to impart.”
Basically, it not only reminded me of where to touch and in which order, but it gave me something tangible to think of when I make the sign of the cross, as to why I’m making this somewhat awkward gesture. It’s habit now, and I don’t always think about why I’m crossing myself, but when I catch myself doing things by rote and without thought, I can sing myself this song. (:
The song to accompany the sign of the Cross is precious and so perfect–children learn so well when something is put to song or rhyme. thank you for sharing and I hope you don’t mind if I teach this to my students in our Religious Education program at my church.
Go for it! 🙂
Thank you Sanda for the little song. I am going to take it and put to to the tune of “Mary had a little lamb” and teach it to my Gr. 2’s. I hope that is okay, thanks in advance!
I tell my three year old students:
We think about God the Father, (touch forehead)
We love like Jesus the Son, (touch heart)
We are strong with the Holy Spirit. (touch shoulders)
I heard an idea for the “Holy Spirit” part of the prayer. Children always get confused which shoulder to touch. Tell the children to give themselves a hug. They have to reach across to the left shoulder and give themselves a hug.
Just used a lot of your ideas with my little kindergarteners during a lesson on the Holy Trinity. We used the “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” melody…
“Head, tummy, left to right, left to right!”
“Head, tummy, left to right, left to r-i-i-ght…
“Father, Son and Ho-o-l-y-y Spirit,”
“Head, tummy, left to right, left to right!”
I put those neon circle stickers on their foreheads with “Father” on them, etc. Then I put them on myself and they followed me. It was a lot of fun!
I looooooove this idea!!!! So cute!!!
As a 20 year+ Religious Ed catechist, most of my years were spent teaching 3-4 year olds. A few years ago, the church needed a first grade catechist so I switched. Since my first year, I have used the mirror (and told them to practice at home in the bathroom mirror with an older sibling or cousin standing next to them and cross themself with the student). I have also used the sticker or, if everyone is right handed, I tell them to use the hand they color with. I explain that the Father is the head of the family, so we touch our head first. Then Jesus fills our heart so we touch our heart. Then for years I have told them to “hug yourself holy” so the first part of the Holy Spirit feels like a hug. It has been working for all these years. I don’t usually recommend doing it in reverse as the kids try to emulate me, and then they do it backwards. Thanks for recommending some of the things that have been working 20 or so years. But remember, the students have to actually practice to get it right and that is what I have found to usually be lacking. The Domestic Church. God Bless.
It won’t allow me to print out the illustration for making The Sign Of The Cross.
Hi Linda –
What illustration are you trying to print? If it’s the one with the child making the Sign of the Cross in four separate illustrations, then you’ll need to follow the link to go to the site that has that printable. You should be able to download it from that site. If you have issues, you can try to contact the owner of that site.
Angie, Catholic Icing Business Manager