I am such a sucker for cute handprint crafts! We made these angel bags for our All Saints’ Day treat bags this year. (Last year we made these cute All Saints’ Day treat buckets, but when we moved from Virginia to South Carolina, we only kept about 20% of our belongings, and they didn’t make the cut. lol.)
In Catholic ABC’s, “A is for Angel” and there’s a handprint angel craft. This year, I made this same basic craft on a bag rather than paper. I made them with my whole preschool class so they could use the bags to bring their stuff to and from a co-op. One of the moms there said she was having her kids make these for everyone in her family as Christmas presents!
Supplies Needed to make Angel Bag Craft:
- Canvas Bags (we ordered these. They’re a good size for little kids and a great deal.)
- Acrylic Paint (I always use regular acrylic paint rather than fabric paint because it’s cheaper. It will not wash out of clothes.)
- Sponge (cut it into a circle to make the angel’s head)
- Permanent Marker (I just use Sharpies because they’re cheaper than fabric markers. Again, they won’t wash out, which for this craft is a good thing.)
When I do handprint crafts with kids, I usually paint their hands with a paintbrush and then help to stamp the handprint for them. For this craft, turn the bag around with the handles facing you, and stamp one hand in the middle of the bag with fingers all smooshed together. We used red for this- it will be the angel’s dress. Wash the hands, and paint them white. Stamp with the fingers spread to be a wing. Add more white paint and stamp a second wing (no need to switch hands- that just makes for twice the hand cleaning.)
Squeeze out some skin-toned paint onto a paper plate, and let the kids dip the circle sponge into it, and stamp on a head. Dip your finger into more paint, and add hair with finger dots. (I skipped the hair with my preschool class because it was just too much).
Allow the paint to dry, then draw on a simple face with a Sharpie marker. You can also add the child’s name and year to the bag.
Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic ABCs Curriculum
Catholic ABCs Curriculum for Preschool and Kindergarten
My kids love these bags! They’re so much fun to make, and it’s great to make a craft they can actually use.
These are going to be perfect for Julian and Violet to carry for All Saints’ Day because they are both going to be angels this year! (Julian is going to be St. Michael, and Violet is going to kind of a classic angel.)
For anyone who missed it, I have a new page with links to all of my All Saints’ Day resources for kids here. Happy celebrating! 🙂
You can find all of my angel resources for kids here. You will find rafts, printables, books, recipes, and more!