When we first began our journey through Tell Me About The Catholic Faith, the first 2-page spread was about the Bible in general. I love this! Scripture time in Catholic ABCs begins with a little introduction to the Bible for preschoolers each week, so it felt good to take that to the next level for my older kids.
My Thoughts On Pages 10-11:
I was really pleased with the way the introduction to the Bible went, although big typo alert- there are 73 books in the Bible! I like how it starts with a little background on the actual Bible, and even gives a little History, like that people didn’t used to have paper.
My Printables:
Ya’ll know I love being Catholic, and I love teaching my kids all about the Saints and the Liturgical year, but I took this book opening for a major wake-up call: Catholic children need to be more familiar with the actual Bible. There are 3 ways I decided for this to happen in our home:
- Read the Bible!!! Like, daily. You don’t need a complicated plan or a “study.” You can actually just read a few sentences at breakfast every morning, which is what we started doing. I started right at the beginning of Matthew. We just read for a few minutes, and then the kids ask questions. Stop overthinking this and just do it.
- Memorize Scripture!!! I had a killer memory as a kid, and although I never memorized Scripture references, what I do know can be accessed and pop into my head at exactly the right time. The memorization is valuable, and life long. Check out my post on how to get started with Scripture memory, and my printable cards with Scripture from Catholic prayers and the Mass.
- Memorize Books Of The Bible!!! Yes, if we want our kids to be proficient in using a Bible, we should give them the tools for navigating it. When I started looking for resources for teaching all 73 books of the Catholic Bible for kids, the internet came up pretty dry. So I created some stuff for you. Read on. 🙂
First off, I made a printable study list with all 73 Catholic books of the Bible in order for kids. This way, kids can easily study the books of the Bible in order. It can clip into their notebook for future daily studying. It has phonetic pronunciations beside each book name, and I color coded them by genera of the Bible.
Download Catholic Books Of The Bible Study Sheets Here
I also made some Catholic books of the Bible flashcards that are free to print. You can cut them out, and your kids can practice putting them in order. If you want them to hold up, you can laminate them. I have a friend that put magnetic strips on the back of their laminated cards so they could practice on the refrigerator. They’re color coded by Old and New Testaments.
Download Catholic Books of the Bible Printable Flash Cards
This Books of the Bible bookmark is a handy tool for your kids to keep in their Bible and is easy to make. It has a list of all the books on the back divided by Old and New Testament. You can decorate the front how you desire, but it includes directions on how to draw a Bible. It’s also free to print. Find the whole post about this here.
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Catholic Books of the Bible Song:
We all know things are easier to remember when put to song, and I got a lot of requests for a Catholic song with all of the Old Testament books in order when I came out with the bookmark. So I found this video with a song that includes all the books of the bible!
Keep this in mind for any resources you find online: Catholics have more books in our Old Testament than the protestants do, so you can’t use their resources for these books. However, our New Testaments are just the same, so feel free to use their songs, worksheets, etc for these books. I like this YouTube song for the New Testament books. If you have Amazon Prime, you can stream the New Testament song from Wee Sing Bible Songs for free. 🙂
Additional Resources:
You can find even more Bible resources for kids here, including free printables, scripture memory resources, the best children’s Bibles, and more!
- Sing the B-I-B-L-E song, tune of B-I-N-G-O. God gave us his special book, the Bible is it’s name-o. B-I-B-L-E (repeat 3 times) the Bible is it’s name-o! This is from Catholic ABCs and is a nice touch to include your younger kids. If you have Amazon Prime, you can stream a similar B-I-B-L-E song for free from Wee Sing Bible Songs.
- Free set of two coloring pages for the B-I-B-L-E song
- My favorite Bible for Catholic kids– if your kids don’t have a Bible, you should get them one. We got this one for Lydia for her First Reconciliation and love it. It’s a full Bible.
- Bible fig newton “cookies”
- Bible bookmark craft for preschoolers
- 4 Gospels handprint craft
- How to get started with Scripture memory
- Catholic Scripture memory cards from prayers and the Mass
- Catholic ABC Scripture memory cards for littles– free to print!
- Start reading the Bible together as a family- here are 5 steps for getting started!
You can find all the links to this series here.
Thank you, Lacy!
Once again you have seen a need and you have filled it. 🙂 It is somewhat difficult to find many Catholic activities or printables on us having all the original 73 books in our Bible. Thank you for providing yet another invaluable tool for Catholic families to use to teach their children about their faith. If we give them a solid start on knowing about the Catholic faith now, while their still young, they will have a better chance at staying in the Catholic Church and be able to easily explain (Apologetics) to others who are seeking to know more about the origins of Christianity.
God bless you and your lovely family!
Sonja Campbell
What wonderful and educational activities!!!! Thank you so much for posting! 🙂
This is really great, thank you! I was raised Baptist, and we learned the books of the Protestant Bible to the tune of the William Tell Overture. I can still recite all 66 of them in under a minute, and I sing it to myself all the time to remember where to find a certain book, especially those tiny little prophet books in the old Testament. I have tried to re-learn the whole thing to cram in my new 7 books, but it doesn’t have the same flow 🙂
Thank you so much!! This was definitely a missing piece in our Catholic religious education. I have been searching for a Catholic memory song and now with your great printable pieces, I feel confident we can memorize all the books of the Bible before the end of the school year!
Thank you so much and may God continue to bless you.
I just received my book and they have fixed the typo in the book I have. It says 73 books in the bible!!!! Thank you for providing great resources. We are very excited to learn more about our faith and teach it to our children. Thank you
Whoo hoo! They did tell me they were going to. 🙂
HA! Thank you!!! I’ve been looking for a Catholic books of the Bible song for years!!!
Thanks so much for these..Not just for kids but for myself also..
Hi Lacy, I just came across your page. What a gift! Thank you for all your very generous and beautifully thoughtful ideas and presentations. I have a question regarding the Tell Me About the Catholic Faith. How long do you typically spend on each lesson before moving on to the next. For example, how long do you spend on covering pages 10-11 “The Bible”? I’m trying to use this book for a first grade religious education program at our church. A little different than a homeschool setting, mainly because of time since we only meet for one hour each week. Any helpful direction is appreciated. Many blessings!
I think I was doing one per week. However long it takes really. It could definitely be adjusted to fit your schedule.
Just noticed a typo in “Tell Me About the Catholic Faith”. On the page 10 of the copy I have it says “…library of sixty-three books…” There are 73 books in the Catholic Bible. I hope they have since corrected it. I taught my children to remember the number of books with a 7 and 3 the opposite of the Ten Commandments. There are 3 Commandments for God and 7 Commandments about loving our neighbor. 3 and 7. Turn them around 7-3 and you have the number of books in the Bible.
Yes- you must have a very early copy of the book! I do as well. They have corrected it. 🙂