There’s an awesome hobby that goes by many names- bible journaling, illustrated faith, bible art, documented faith… but it matters not what you call it- once I saw it, I knew it was for me!!! (Go to my Bible Journaling Pinterest Board to see some examples if you’re unfamiliar with Bible Journaling.)
Feel free to use the hashtag: #catholicbiblejournal to join in and share your creations 🙂
I’ve always made little doodles around… well, pretty much any piece of paper that’s ever sat in front of me, including in past bibles, so taking that a step farther in an intentional direction sounded amazing for me. I’ve always found that sketching and drawing things helps me think and ponder on them, so what better place to do this than in an actual Bible? (Read here about Bible Journaling as Lectio Divina)
Check out my resources for Catholic Bible Journaling Here:
They make an actual Catholic Journaling Bible now! Check it out!
Find all of my favorite bible journaling supplies here
Here are the World’s Cutest Printable Bible Tabs
Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership
Monthly Liturgical Membership
Ideas and Inspiration from My Journaling Bible
Bible Journaling WITHOUT a Journaling Bible
There’s also a Catholic Women’s Bible Journaling facebook group! 🙂
You can find even more bible resources for kids here including free printables, scripture memory resources, the best children’s bibles, and more!
I LOVE the cute little tabs you have on the bottom left Bible!!! Are those the printable Bible tabs that you have listed as coming soon???
I’ve wanted to get into the journaling craze but couldn’t make the commitment. This is exactly what I’m looking for. This is definitely worth the investment of my time! I can’t wait to start!!
I am a teacher at a Catholic school and get so many wonderful inspirations and ideas from your website. Thanks for all your awesome posts!!!
Yes! They’re finished and ready- they will be coming out later this week. 🙂
Is this really ok? I was taught bibles were so “sacred” like the American flag that you kept them in places of honor and sat down with intent for reading only. That I’m 66 probably explains the concept I grew up with. As A retired art teacher and just now starting to journal in a separate book to go with my Bible seems almost too new to me, but this is intriguing to say the least. I knew that there were non Catholics who did this but this is ok too?
On a second note, I love your articles and crafts for our Religious Education program and enjoy sharing them with our parents who come to adult classes while their kids are in a regular class on sundays. It’s been eye opening for them to know there are families out there who are Catholic and employ the faith so well in daily and special moments. But now I’m wondering if there isn’t something a group could do with this journaling project…
I don’t see why this should be any different than buying a bible that already has illustrations, drawings, maps, or notes already in it. If you were drawing in it to desecrate it, than that would be a problem, but that’s just not what bible journaling is.
When we lived in the South, I attended many ecumenical Bible studies – the Bible I was using at the time was a well loved copy of the Jerusalem Bible. The ladies in those Bible studies were so affirming of the fact that it was clear my Bible was regularly USED! Their opinion was that a Bible in your possession should not look new for long! This stuck with me – God’s Word is living and breathing and just waiting to pull us into relationship, and if the way we respond is art, then Amen! PS – the group idea is intriguing, Paula..
Lacy, I love the page of the cross and “by His wounds”! Love it!! (And nice tabs!)
In response to Paula, I agree with what Lacy said about the fact that you are not doing this to desecrate it. Bible journaling is about connecting with God and dwelling on His word. Putting art into a Bible is similar to making a church banner with a Scripture on it or turning Scripture into a song. God gave us the gift of creativity and art, and I believe this is one way to express it. HE is a God of creativity. Like gilding or medieval page decorations, I think adding beauty to the Bible is one way to make it even more special.
Yay! Another Catholic momma who loves Bible journaling! I have loved looking at your posts with tips and tricks to make this work in our Bibles. Thank you for linking to my Bible journaling posts.
Thanks for the affirmation on how several of you Use and I do mean Use your bibles. I am definitely going to get out the colored pencils etc. To make my thoughts and responses known. Thanks for sharing!
This is the first Catholic Bible journaling I’ve run across. I am a new convert and am looking forward to exploring your site more!
Ladies who Bible journal – you may be interested in a free class online that I just took today on Bible journaling. The girl who does it is very very good. She journals to help her memorize and focus on specific passages. She’s not Catholic I don’t believe but her tips and instructions for journaling are wonderful! The course is well worth the time if you are beginning to journal. It’s at and the class is Inspired Faith Rebekah Jones Lots of supply links there too. I’m not an affiliate or anything, just wanted to share for others who want to learn 🙂
I just bought ‘Bible Tabs 2’ from my local Christian book store, and was so upset to discover the ‘set’ only includes HALF of the tabs I need. Who would only need half of the books of the Bible?! I called and had then hold ‘Bible Tabs 1’ for me, and in the meantime went online to see if anyone else was as disappointed as I was (am) and in so doing, discovered your darling tabs. I just bought the set and will be returning the half set I purchased yesterday but must say these are SO worth he minimal $3 download fee you charge. Bless you, and thank you! Yours are five times better at one-third the cost of store bought!!
Amazon is offering their first ever New Testament Bible Journal, just saw it.