Christian Blogging Conference

Thank you for everyone who helped me get to the Relevant Conference!Many of you made donations and supported my rosary fund raiser. Thank you to all of my readers because without your support this blog wouldn’t exist! And also, thank you to everyone who allows me to sharetheir pictures and project ideas here. I couldn’t do it without you!

Here I am with my traveling buddies.That’s me on the left, then Laura from Frugal Friends in Northern Virginia, and Liz from Frugally Blonde.Liz is a very good friend of mine in “real life”. lol. Laura is very pregnant, and such a sweet pea! I learned a lot about coupons traveling with the 2 of them for the weekend! 🙂

TheRelevant Conference actually wasn’t what I was expecting, but I knowit’s exactly where God wanted me to be. It was more like a retreat thana conference. It was very inspirational, and connecting with so manyother Christian women was an amazing experience! We laughed together,and we cried together. In fact, I felt like I was on the edge of tearsthroughout most of the weekend. Even though I was a cry baby for mostof the weekend, Violet was a happy girl! 🙂

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

Perfect for families! Each month you gain access to printable activity pages, crafts, home altar pieces, and more.
Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!

Here’s a picture I took of all the speakers/organizers of Relevant.
Courtney from Women Living Well, Kristin from We Are That Family, Kimba from A Soft Place to Land, Alyssa from Keeping the Kingdom First, Jess from Muthering Heights, Dana from Mrs. Moneysaver, Melissa from The Inspired Room, Angie from Bring the Rain, Crystal from Money Saving Mom, Sarah from Real Life Sarah, and Jen from Balancing Beauty and Bedlam.
Ihad push around a big bulky stroller everywhere I went (which wastotally in the way) but nobody cared because they were all mothers,too! There were maybe 8 or so of us there with babies.
 Here’sa picture of 3 bloggers all taking pictures of their lunch at the sametime. Finally, somewhere I fit in!!! Although I’m not going to post apicture of my lunch. But I did take one 😉
Have you guys heard of 1+1+1=1?If not you should check it out. Her blog has tons of Christianpreschool resources for free. I’ve had big plans to link to a lot ofher stuff for awhile, but haven’t had time yet. Here I am with Carisa!She has a lot of personality- in a great way! 🙂
These ladies all blog for The Homeschool Post,and Heather (owner of The Homeschool Post) is soooo funny in real life,and her and Violet became instant friends! And her Texas accent is verycharming. From left to right- Beth, Jenn, Heather, and Me 🙂
Bythe way, nominations for the Homeschooling blog awards are now open,and Heather said preschool homeschooling totally counts. *hint hint*;-)
So here I am with Kimba from A Soft Place to Land!I have been reading her blog for more than 2 years! It was veryexciting to meet her and she was very nice and genuine in real life. Idon’t know why we start thinking people who write blogs aren’t realpeople. They are. They’re wonderful, sweet, real people!
The conference ended on Saturday night with some great worship music!
It was very “Steubenville”, and I loved it! 🙂
Itreminded me of all the really cool fun things I got to do when I was inhigh school, like going to World Youth Day, or NCYC, or all the stateyouth conferences I used to go to. Only without adoration.

Iam so glad that I went to this conference, and if resources allow, I’mplanning on going back next year. It was an amazing time, and hashelped me see how I need to re-prioritize my life, and my blog. Thankyou to everyone who set up Relevant! You did an amazing job, ladies!


  1. Angie @ Many Little Blessings says

    I know it would be a really big trip, but if you want to go to something more like a conference for blogging, you might consider trying to go to Savvy Blogging Summit next July. It was amazing this year!

    Glad you had a good time at Relevant!

  2. What a neat experience! I'll have to visit some of these blogs that I hadn't heard of. Thanks for sharing and glad you had a blessed weekend;-)

  3. what fun, especialy to meet some bloggers in person.

  4. Sisterlisa says

    hahaha you know Beth, Jenn, and Sprittibee would like that pic of them capturing their gorgeous dinner. 😉 heeheehee that was funny.

    I adored chatting with you at Relevant!! Blessings to you and thank you for promoting the Homeschool Blog Awards 🙂

  5. What a joy-filled smile & spirit you have! Violet was an absolute doll and I enjoyed meeting you both. Blessings!

  6. Vanessa VH says

    Glad you had fun!! Thanks for all the links to the blogs, I am checking them out now 🙂

  7. Liz @ Frugally Blonde says

    I had such a wonderful time with you and Laura! I'm so glad you decided to come. Looking forward to next year!!!

  8. Alicia, The Snowflake says

    I found you! It was so nice to meet you (and Violet) this weekend! Now I am following you on Twitter too. Blessings to you my new friend!

  9. When were you in Steubenville, Laci? I was there 97-01.

  10. So glad you had a good time and enjoyed it. I hope life allows me to attend next year as well. Blessings and Grace to you…