The Epiphany house blessing of the door is a really great Catholic tradition for families. We love to bless our door every year on the Epiphany! It’s very simple to do, it’s not complicated or scary, and you can do it yourself. All you need is a piece of chalk! You can take your piece of chalk to mass with you on the Epiphany and have your priest bless it, or you can bless the chalk yourself. I will show you exactly what do write and how to do the Epiphany house blessing with chalk. Keep reading if you want to start this tradition with your family.
What Is The Epiphany House Blessing?
It’s a specific blessing for the home that is traditionally done each year on the Solemnity of the Epiphany (also known as 3 Kings Day or Twelfth Night) that is done on the front door of the house and uses symbols drawn with blessed chalk. This is called the chalking the door, and is practiced by many Christians including Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, and more!
Do I Have To Have Blessed Chalk For An Epiphany Blessing?
Some parishes will have baskets of chalk out for blessing your home on the Epiphany, but it’s ok if your parish didn’t! If you think ahead, you can bring your piece of chalk with you to mass and ask your priest to bless it, or you can bless the chalk yourself.
I now have a printable Epiphany home blessing booklet that includes a simple prayer to bless your own chalk. This full Epiphany home blessing printable pack is now available in the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership pack for January 2022. (Here is a link to buy the January 2022 set of printables separately. Please note, however, that the home blessing printables specifically mention 2022.)
Or you can click here for an alternative version of a blessing of the chalk.
What Color Of Chalk Should I Use For My Epiphany Blessing?
The kind and color of the chalk is not important- the blessing is what’s important! This year I actually used a piece of the kid’s sidewalk chalk, and it worked beautifully!
Who Can Conduct The Epiphany Door Blessing? Do I Need A Priest?
You absolutely don’t need a priest to do this. Can you imagine your parish priest driving from home to home on the Epiphany? I think with the size of most parishes these days, he would need to have the powers of Santa Clause to accomplish this!
The link I’m going to share below says to have a pries or the father of the family bless the home, but anyone that is the spiritual leader of the family would be a great choice to do this! If the spiritual leader of your family is not present at the time of the blessing, then anyone who makes since to be the “leader” is a great choice. When my family does this, I lead the prayer.
Where Do I Put The Chalk Symbols?
The “lintel” of the door is where this is the most traditional, which was historically the horizontal piece above the door.
This tradition has biblical roots going back to the story of Moses in the Bible when the Israelites were asked to put the blood of a lamb or goat on the doorposts and above the doors of the houses.
“The blood on the doorposts will be a sign to mark the houses in which you live. When I see the blood, I will pass over you and will not harm you when I punish the Egyptians.” Exodus 12:13
So anywhere around the front door of the home is a great choice! We usually do this at the top of our door on the outside, but I have seen it done anywhere on the door, and also on the inside of the home as well.
When Do We Chalk Our Home?
Well to say “on the Epiphany” would be simplifying. Traditionally there are 12 days of Christmas, and then the Epiphany happens on January 6. However, most of the diocese in the United States move the Epiphany to the closest Sunday, making it a different day than January 6 most years. You can bless your house on either the day your parish celebrates the Epiphany, or on the traditional Epiphany, which is January 6. It’s up to you!
How Do We Do The Epiphany Blessing?
Catholic Culture has some great directions about how to bless your home for the Epiphany, so I’m going to share that. It does say this blessing is to be performed by a priest or the father of the family, but the spiritual leader of the household is the perfect fit for this, regardless of who it is.
I now have a printable with a very easy to participate in version of an Epiphany home blessing that is perfect for kids to follow along with. This full Epiphany home blessing printable pack is now available in the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership pack for January 2022.
Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership
Monthly Liturgical Membership
Epiphany House Blessing Printables from the January 2022 Catholic Icing Monthly Membership (There is also a house blessing and chalk blessing in the January 2023 membership, but it looks different than this set)
Or you can click here for an alternative version of an Epiphany blessing you can use to bless your home.
What Symbols Do I Use On The Door?
Well, the symbols change each year, but here is the short answer for 2022:
For 2022 this is what you will write on your door in chalk:
20 + C + M + B + 22
What Do The Epiphany Door Symbols Mean?
The Epiphany door blessing includes symbols for all 3 kings, plus the numbers from the current year.
Here’s what the chalked numbers on the door mean: The first number “20″ is for the first two numbers of the year, and the last number “22” is for the last two numbers of the year.
Here’s what the chalked letters on the door mean:
The 3 letters are the first Initial of each of the kings (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar).
The “C, M, B also stands for the Latin blessing Christius Mansionem Benedicat which means “May Christ Bless this House”.
More Epiphany Resources For Families
By the way, for those of you who don’t already know, I’m totally obsessed with purple. Hence the color of our front door at 2 separate houses. 🙂
Be sure to check out all of my posts about celebrating the Epiphany with your Catholic family here.
Since it’s January, check out my new printable liturgical calendar for Catholics! This includes all your major feast days and liturgical seasons along with holy days of obligation, solemnities, liturgical colors, well known Saint feast days, and more! This easy to use and beautiful calendar will be your best friend when planning out your liturgical year at home. There is both a free option and a paid option for downloading this liturgical calendar, so click here to find your options for downloading your own liturgical calendar.
Purple is also the color of money
Yes! Totally true and I am a huge fan of purple!
Great explanation!
How long should we leave it for?
How do we get the chalk off again please?
We leave it all year and change the last 2 numbers on Epiphany each year. Ours are on the inside above our front door. The chalk just wipes off.
Thank you for sharing blessing of chalk. Glad we can do without priest as things are still abnormal here. Appreciate all your resources and great ideas.
Thank you for this information. How long are we supposed to leave it on the door?
My mom likes to leave hers up all year but I wash mine off within a few weeks usually.
Is it too late if you forget and do it the next day & can you use something else if you don’t have any chalk ?
Better late than never when it comes to blessing your home! Perhaps you could look up a simple recipe for chalk paint- I’m pretty sure you can make it with ingredients from your kitchen. You could even use a dry erase marker if you have glass elements on your door. In that case I would say also sprinkle holy water on the door.
Hi Ms. Lacy,
Thank you for this information. Yes, better late than never. My friend Cha, share this epilhany blessing and i found your explaination well substantiated. May i ask, can i also use this chalk in my car? Thank you, and sending more peace and joy to you and the entire fam. 🙂 Arlene
We do this every year. Our prayer is: Visit, O Blessed Lord, this home with the gladness of your presence. Bless all who live or bisit here with the gift of your live;and grant that we may manifest your love to each other, and to all whose lives we touch.
This is wonderful! Thank you so much!
Would it be appropriate to perform the blessing by myself since I live alone?
Thank you for sharing this! I’m Christian but I began doing this as well, I love how Catholics have such beautiful traditions and meanings in their faith.
I wanted to know where you found your Epiphany candle. We have had one for many years that is almost gone and I can’t find one to replace it anywhere. Also, can the Epiphany Blessing pack be purchased on its own?
Hi Heather –
The candle in the picture is just one of those inexpensive tall glass candles that you can typically get at church as well as at lots of stores (they have them at my grocery store) and then Lacy put a printable candle wrap on it from the January printables in the membership. That’s the only way it and the rest of the Epiphany Blessing pack are currently available.
Angie, Catholic Icing Business Manager (and membership co-founder)
The chalk marking is usually removed from the door lintel on Pentecost Sunday signifying that Christ has come full circle from his birthday at Christmas to his revelation to the Gentiles at Ephihany to his death and Resurrection and ascension. And finally to His gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.
Moving the Feast of the Epiphany around on the calendar only started in the 1960s, for 1900 years it was always 12 days after Christmas (Jan 6). We are going to wait a few more generations (God willing) to change it in our family.
Hi Ms Lacy,
This is a great write up for those discovering the deeper traditions of our Christian faith as promulgated by the Catholic Church, thanks for the great details and explanations. Cheers!
Is this Epiphany House Blessing voluntary or a requirement for Catholics to do? And I have also been told by a priest that in removing any chalk dust from the previous year you do it with water and then put the water in the ground.