Having a home altar is one of our favorite traditions as a Catholic family! We like to keep our altar fresh every month, changing the theme with the monthly dedication for Catholics. The month of February is dedicated to The Holy Family, and this is a very important month for Catholics to remember the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, St. Valentine’s Day, and the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. You can find all of my resources for living the liturgical year in February here. Today let’s check out these Catholic home altar ideas for February.
Catholic Icing now offers a monthly membership program where each month you receive a big printable pack of goodies to help your family live the liturgical year at home. The best part is that it comes with home altar printables for every single month! A lot of my February home altar items come straight from this printable pack, which help me keep my home altar updated and fresh all the time.
The membership also comes with my complete Home Altar Guide, which tells you exactly why having a home altar is so important and also takes you through exactly how to organize and set up your own.
Note: Membership resources change each month and each year, so the items you see featured here may or may not still be available in the current monthly membership. You can read more about our past membership resources here.
February: Dedicated To The Holy Family
I always start with the month’s dedication and try to work my home altar around that, and February is a super meaningful and jam packed month! It starts with Candlemas and ends the Chair of St. Peter, with lots of fun feast days in the middle!
There is a large printable artwork that comes in the monthly membership pack that usually features the dedication for that month. For February, it is a featured beautiful artwork of The Presentation of the Lord.
Each month the printable home altar pack includes a candle wrap that goes around one of those glass religious candles. For February, it has St. Blaise. This felt so perfect for the February candle wrap since St. Blaise is so highly associated with candles! It is traditional for Catholics to have the blessing of the throats on this feast day using candle sticks.
Prayer For February Home Altar
This stand up printable prayer triptych also has the prayer for St. Valentine paired with some beautiful artwork of the Saint.
Liturgical Seasons Of February
I always like to have the current liturgical season and color indicated on our home altar. This is super useful for the kids to see it matching what they see each Sunday at Mass on the altar and the priest’s vestments. All of the Sundays in February of 2022 fall in Ordinary Time, although Lent does often start in February.
Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership
Monthly Liturgical Membership
In the current (2022) Catholic Icing monthly membership, this liturgical display cube is included. This makes switching the liturgical colors super easy because all you have to do is rotate the block!
Including February Saint Resources
The printable home altar packs come with a “Saint Spinner” each month, which makes displaying some Saint days super easy! After assembling this page, you just rotate the triangle to display the current Saint feast day, which is listed on the Saint Spinner. For February, this included St. Josephine Bakhita, Our Lady of Lourdes, and the feast of the Chair of St. Peter.
Saint of the day for February: We like to be able to write in a Saint for each day. The home altar printables come with a background each month for a 5×7 frame. It just inserts in the frame, and you can use a dry erase marker to write in the Saint each day!
The “February Litany of Saints” page lists a Saint for each day of the month, so it’s super easy to know a name you can write in.
Important Days To Remember For February’s Altar
- St. Brigid- February 1
- Presentation of the Lord- February 2
- Our Lady of Good Success- February 2
- St. Blaise- February 3
- St. Josephine Bakhita- February 8
- Our Lady of Lourdes- February 11
- St. Valentine- February 14
- Chair of St. Peter- February 22
The pack also includes blank pages to fill in whatever Saints you want to celebrate, so if you have a special feast day in February, you can display this page for any of them! The Saint Spinner and Triptych cut apart at the end of the month to make holy cards that you can collect, and all of these holy cards are the right size to insert into these Saint information pages. Each month gets its own fun and seasonal background art.
Read More About The Catholic Icing Membership
The membership comes with so much more than just home altar printables! You can find more information about what’s included and how to join here.
You can find resources for these feast days and a lot more on my post about living the liturgical year in February here.