Well it looks like some of us are going to be home with our kids a little more than expected for the near future, so I wanted to round up some fun printable materials for Catholic kids that are good for all the time, and easily enjoyed at home. So here we go- Fun Catholic kid printables for all year!
Catholic ABC Printable Saints– These little guys are so fun and easy to make! Kids love to play with these like toys. I consider them a kind of Saint peg doll substitute. They are $12 to download, which makes them only .50 each, and they will keep kids occupied for hours! 🙂
Catholic Word Search Printables– these are great for older kids and you can print them from Real Life At Home for free!
Catholic Saint Coloring Pages For Every Month– Also free, and also from Real Life At Home. This pack will definitely keep kids busy!
Note: You will need to go to this post that has a link to each month individually. The pack costs money if you want the convenience of getting it as one document, but you can request each month individually for free.
Catholic How To Draw Videos- I post a new free how to draw video on the Catholic Icing YouTube channel every Friday! My kids love how to draw videos, which is why I started. I already have a library that will keep the kids busy for awhile. Also, each one has an available printable coloring page. You can find all the videos and printables here.
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Monthly Liturgical Membership
Paper Bag Saint Puppets– I don’t know why. I really don’t. But kids LOVE paper bag puppets. They make them and play with them for hours. I would say preschool through all of elementary age. These templates will help you create whoever you heart desires! Honesly, including Disney princesses or whoever. It has all the hair, dresses, crowns, whatever you need.
The Growing Liturgical Bundle– Have ya’ll heard of Lazy Liturgical? Because she’s pretty awesome. She has a growing Liturgical pack that is super cute and has pages for so. many. feast. days. It is all super simple stuff! Everything prints and goes together easily with crayons, scissors and glue stick. And even better, she is offering a discount code for Catholic Icing readers for 15% off! Discount code: CATHOLICICING
Traceable Catholic Prayer Copy work: This pack has all the basic Catholic prayers for your kids to practice. If you never read it or write it, how do you know you’re hearing the right words? I recommend for all Catholic kids to complete these at some point to make sure they got it right.
Liturgical Year Coloring Book– This is an excellent free resource from Look To Him And Be Radiant. I absolutely love her blog!
These printable “happy crosses” are also very easy and a lot of fun for kids!
You can find more posts about living the liturgical year with your kids here. Stay safe and healthy you guys! Love you and God bless!
Thank you for all of your hard work! I’m sharing these with my students’ families.
thank you for giving me the idea to make saint puppet
Thank you for compiling such a great list of resources. However, I did attempt to obtain the Catholic Saint Coloring Pages For Every Month from Real Life at Home, and there is a $7.00 charge for it.
Hi Carrie –
It’s only $7 if you want to get it in one document. If you subscribe to the Real Life at Home newsletter, you can get each month individually for free as a subscriber. You can get the July version on this post ( https://www.reallifeathome.com/saints-coloring-book-for-july/ ) and there is a link to each individual month’s post on that page, which you can then follow to request each month individually.
I updated the post to make it clearer for anyone looking for it. Thanks for the note.
I hope that helps!
Angie, Catholic Icing Project Manager