Fun Printable Cross Craft For Kids (Happy Crosses!)

The cross is the most basic Christian symbol that unites all the followers of Christ! I hope you enjoy this fun printable cross craft for kids. It can be so colorful and these crosses can take on really different personalities. It’s also really easy to put together and stands up on its own! You can find all of my cross crafts for kids here. For now let me show you these fun happy crosses! 

I took the printable cross that goes in the background of my printable resurrection set for kids, and decided to make it into a series of different coloring page crafts for kids.


There are 3 ways to assemble these crosses:

  • Print on card stock, cut, and roll into a tube. Fix in place with tape or staples.
  • Print on paper and glue around a toilet paper tube
  • Print on paper and roll into circle like the card stock. It still works, it’s just not quite as sturdy. 

The rainbow cross download is totally free for everyone! Given the circumstances with the Coronavirus and the whole #rainbowhunt thing trending, I thought it would bring families some joy this Easter season! 

The full download has 7 different coloring options for the crosses, plus a blank cross for you to design your own! Lets check them out. 

Rainbow Cross Craft

This one is so fun and playful and lends itself to some really colorful coloring options!

Easter Cross Craft

I love how this has all the fun Easter symbols, but is on a cross shape. Really brings out the fun of Easter while still being focused on Jesus.

Jesus Loves Me And Emoji Cross Craft

This is another fun version and has hearts and the words “Jesus Loves Me” on it.

He Is Risen Cross Craft

This one says a famous Easter phrase… “He Is Risen” and has Easter lilies at the bottom.

Rose Window Style Cross Craft

This cross is based on rose shaped stained glass windows and takes on an “adult coloring page” feel. All the details of this one makes it a ton of fun to color!

Triangle Stained Glass Cross Craft

I ended up liking this design a lot! This could take on a lot of different looks depending on the colors you used. 

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Download Your Happy Crosses Printable Now!

Here is the rainbow cross craft, totally free to download for everyone 🙂

If you would like the pack with all 8 cross designs, wish granted! You can download the happy cross craft pack here for just $3.

My kids really liked this one, and I was actually surprised at the ones they chose to color! I wouldn’t have guessed. You never know with kids haha.

Btw, Lydia (age 14 now) totally colored one also but she hates being in pictures lol. I am telling her my readers are going to forget I have 4 kids!!!

How To Assemble Your Happy Crosses

  1. Print your happy crosses on either paper or card stock
  2. Color however you desire
  3. Cut on all the outside lines
  4. Cut also on the dotted lines
  5. Curl the 2 side flaps back, and fix into a tube with tape, staples, or a glue stick

You can find all of my cross crafts for kids here. Tons of ideas for all ages!

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    1. Chrissy Constantine says

      Dear Lacy,
      I used to use your site all the time and purchased printables from you on occasion. I am disappointed because this time I was unable to access the printable cross craft for my kids. When I thought I was downloading your craft what I got was an app I did not want on my computer. I would happily use your site again if I could download crafts without all the other stuff. Until then I will have to look elsewhere:(

      • Hi Chrissy –

        I’m sorry that you missed the graphic that says to click for the Rainbow Cross and clicked on an ad instead. Unfortunately, there are so many expenses involved in keeping Catholic Icing (and most websites) up and running, so there is no way to have so much available for free without also having ads on the site. Without ads, the site would either need to be exclusively for paid access or it would need to close down. We’re sorry to see you go, but we don’t anticipate being able to run the site without ads any time in the near future since the bills need to be paid somehow.

        Thanks for the feedback though!

        Angie, Catholic Icing Business Manager

    2. Renee Boley says

      Love it