Holy Spirit Craft – Handprint Dove

Catholic ABC’s Week: 13 
Letter of the week: H
Theme: Holy Spirit
Saint of the Week: St. Helen
Craft: Holy Spirit Handprint Dove

H is for Holy Spirit Dove

As you all know, I love handprint crafts! For this one, start with a red piece of paper (the symbolic color for the Holy Spirit) and make a white handprint. Run glue up each finger (not the thumb) and attach a white feather. Add a yellow triangle beak and one googly eye- voila! A Holy Spirit Dove.
Dove made out a handprint, googly eyes, and feathers
As always, I am a huge proponent of letting children make their own crafts! So even if they’re not the most beautiful, at least it is actually their work. They were so happy with their work!
Here is Lydia’s handprint dove, age 4
Holy Spirit Dove Craft
Here’s Julian’s handiwork… age 2
Holy Spirit Dove Craft

You can find all of my Holy Spirit teaching resources for kids here including the gifts of the spirit, the fruits of the spirit, celebrating Pentecost Sunday, dove crafts, and more!

More Holy Spirit Resources

Grab Bag Ideas for the Letter Hh: (be sure to check out the Classroom Script for directions on using the grab bag.) Horse, Hat, Hairbrush, Happy face, Hippo, Headband.

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic ABCs Curriculum

Catholic ABCs Curriculum for Preschool and Kindergarten

Catholic ABCs Curriculum

Catholic ABCs is a hand-on curriculum full of crafts, printables, worksheets, saints, learning, and more for preschoolers and kindergartners. There are over 2,000 pages that you can use for multiple school years! (This is also a great supplement for 1st and 2nd graders.)

For More Resources, including free printable ABC scripture cards and a matching set of Catholic Saint crafts for preschoolers, check out the Catholic ABC’s Offical Resource Page.

Catholic ABCs Curriculum



  1. Amazing_Grace says

    Oh, kids will have a great time with this! They LOVE feathers!!!! 🙂

  2. love it.

  3. Martianne says

    I have been meaning to write to you to tell you how pleased I was to have a chance to chat with you at the Mom's Day Away.

    Also, I wanted to share that I have just introduced your site to a few more friends, who love it as much as I do!

    And, I wanted to share a lesson plan that I just created and used at a co-op class for 5-8 year olds that includes the Holy Spirit in case you ever want to borrow ideas. It is at The post is at http://traininghappyhearts.blogspot.com/2011/04/read-aloud-to-real-challenges-early.html


  4. I have a Sunday School class with all below Ktg. We used this to great success. Another project we used to show the invisibility of the Holy Spirit was to glue a small dove on paper and then glue layers of kleenex over it. The children knew the dove was there, but they could no longer see it.