Living The Liturgical Year In January

If you’re looking for resources to live the Liturgical year at home with your family in January, you’ve come to the right place! You can find all of my liturgical year resources month by month here. 

Check out my new printable liturgical calendar for Catholics! This includes all your major feast days and liturgical seasons along with holy days of obligation, solemnities, liturgical colors, well known Saint feast days, and more! This easy to use and beautiful calendar will be your best friend when planning out your liturgical year at home. There is both a free option and a paid option for downloading this liturgical calendar, so click here to find your options for downloading your own liturgical calendar

Remember that the Christmas season runs well into January!

January- Dedicated to the Most Holy Name Of Jesusliturgical year in january

New Year

January 1- Mary, Mother of God

January 2- St. Basil 

January 4- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Epiphany (moves) and 3 Kings Day (Jan 6)

Baptism of the Lord (Sunday After Epiphany)

Third Sunday Of January- Feast Of Santo Niño de Cebú (The Infant Jesus)

This is such a perfect day to celebrate since the month of January is dedicted to the most holy name of Jesus! There is a festival for this feast day in the Phillipines that attracts 1-2 million people per year.  Definitely check it out!

January 21- Our Lady Of Altagracia

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

Perfect for families! Each month you gain access to printable activity pages, crafts, home altar pieces, and more.
Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!

January 21- St. Agnes’s feast day

January 22- Day of prayer for the unborn

Most Holy Name Of Jesus How To Draw Video

Also, check out my new how to draw video for drawing the most holy name of Jesus in negative space

January Home Altar

I now have a printable January Home Altar Pack that includes a litany of the Saints for the month, Several Saints to display for various feast days, a special prayer triptych for the month, and more! This full printable home altar is now available in the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership pack. You gain instant access to the current pack as soon as you join. 


Winter Fun

If you want to celebrate a specific Saint feast day that you didn’t find above, check out my Saint Feast Day resources for tons of printables and activities that will work for any Saint.

Be sure to check out my book for living liturgically with your family, Weaving The Faith

You can find all of my resources for living the liturgical year organized month by month here!


  1. Marie Yveline Johnson says

    Thank you so much!

  2. Happy New Year!! Where is the liturgical calendar for January?