Saint Feast Days In March (And Other Days To Celebrate With Kids)

I love coming up with fun and creative ways to celebrate the church year with kids, and March is full of fun Saint feast days to celebrate! Some of these feast days include St. Patrick’s Day, Saints Perpeta and Felicity, and includes a lot of Lenten days. The month of March is also dedicated to Saint Joseph. You can find all of my month to month post on living liturgically here. Now let’s look at these highlights of fun March Saint feast days to celebrate with links to crafts, food, and activities to help you celebrate!

If you’d like to get my free weekly newsletter with resources for Catholic kids and families, sign up using the box below. My weekly liturgical newsletter is always full of currently relevant resources for the liturgical year, weekly readings, and more! Subscribers of Catholic Icing also gain access to all of the free printables and downloads I offer by instantly receiving a link to the subscriber bonus page! 

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When you’re starting to teach your kids about the lives of the Saints, I suggest starting with a Saint picture book treasury that includes a lot of short stories you can read together. This will give you a good starting place and then you can add to your library of Saint books over the years. I think this Picture Book Of Saints is a good beginning Saint book for Catholic families. I will mark the Saints below that have stories from this book. You can find all of my favorite Saint books for kids here.

I also recommend having a good children’s Bible available to read from, as it will also include many stories of the Saints. You can see my post with my favorite Catholic children’s bibles here, but my family absolutely loves The Jesus Storybook Bible.

March Saint Feast Days To Celebrate

This list does not include Saints for every single day of March, but it does have a lot of highlights that are great to celebrate with kids!

March 3- St. Katharine Drexel’s Feast Day

  • born in Philadelphia, USA 
  • founded Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Native Americans and African Americans
  • built many schools on Native American reservations
  • second American born canonized Saint
  • founded a Catholic university for African Americans in New Orleans
  • canonized by St. Pope John Paul II in 2000
  • You can find her story on page 131 of Picture Book Of Saints

Real Life At Home has a free printable pack for St. Katharine Drextel. How cute!

Free 13-page Saint Katharine Drexel Printables and Worksheet Packet

March 7- Saints Perpetua and Felicity’s Feast Day

  • North African martyrs
  • Martyred together for being Christian
  • Patron Saints of mothers, and expectant mothers

You can find all of my kid resources for celebrating Saints Perpetua and Felicity here. This is a really neat pair of Saints, definitely worth learning about!

March 8- St. John Of God’s Feast Day

  • born in Portugal in 1495
  • Patron Saint of booksellers and heart patients
  • You can find his story on page 21 of Picture Book Of Saints

March 17- St. Patrick’s Feast Day

  • Bishop
  • Known for teaching about the Trinity with a shamrock
  • Patron Saint of Ireland
  • You can find his story on page 24 of Picture Book Of Saints

What a fun Saint feast day to celebrate! You can find all of my resources here to celebrate St. Patrick as an actual feast day with Catholic kids. There are crafts, fun food ideas, prayers, printables, and more!

St. Patrick Kid Activities:

March 19- St. Joseph’s Feast Day

  • foster father of Jesus
  • carpenter of Nazareth
  • husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Patron Saint of families
  • You can find her story on page 25 of Picture Book Of Saints

The whole month of March is actually dedicated to St. Joseph! This is a massivly popular feast day to celebrate in Italy, and one of the most prominent traditions is a build a St. Joseph’s altar. 

This printable 3D Saint Joseph’s Altar could be a great project to work on this month.

More St. Joseph Resources For Families:

March 25- The Annunciation of the Lord

  • Solemnity 
  • Archangel Gabriel appears to Mary in Nazareth 
  • 9 months before Christmas
  • Celebrated as the conception of Jesus 
  • Read about the annunciation from the Bible! Luke 1:26-38

This is a beautiful celebration in the Church! The depiction of this event is extremely famous in art. This appearance is where Catholics get several lines of the Hail Mary prayer as well as the Angelus. 

Annunciation Resources:


If you’re trying to plan a Saint feast day celebration with kids and you didn’t see it here, you will want to check out my post about how to celebrate any Saint feast day. It takes you through my process of looking at their lives to choose an activity for kids, and it links to generic resources that will help you to celebrate any Saint. So no more being sad if you can’t find specific resources for your child’s namesake Saint! 🙂 

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

Monthly Liturgical Membership

Catholic Liturgical Monthly Membership

Perfect for families! Each month you gain access to printable activity pages, crafts, home altar pieces, and more.
Never has living the liturgical year been so easy and affordable!

Printable Liturgical Planning Book

I have an all new liturgical living ebook that will help you plan out this entire process and customize the liturgical year for your own family. This is the perfect resource for families that are living the liturgical year at home. You can use this book year after year to organize your liturgical resources, building your library as you go! This is an absolute wealth of printables for Catholic families to organize everything from feast day celebrations, to Sacrament anniversaries, to your home altar. Read more about my Weaving The Faith ebook here

March Monthly Catholic Dedication- St. Joseph

Each month has a special Catholic dedication, and the month of March is dedicated to St. Joseph! There are so many fun Catholic traditions that go along with this monthly devotion, including making your own St. Joseph’s altar! This is a huge celebration for many Catholics, especially in Italy. 

This printable 3D Saint Joseph’s Altar could be a great project to work on this month.

More St. Joseph Resources For Families:

Lent Continues In March

If you haven’t had a chance to add some Lenten activities to your family life, it’s not too late! You’ll definitely want to check out this huge resource of ideas for Lent for Kids and Families.

The Holy Week in Handprints project is such a great way to go through Holy Week, which will happen toward the very end of March.

Top March Posts

I can’t help what’s popular… you guys decide! Here are some things you ya’ll just looooooove reading about in ???. 🙂 

Preparing For First Holy Communion

Don’t miss these First Communion Resources for Kids!

Thinking Ahead To Easter

Some year Easter comes early, and in that case, you may want to go ahead and find some Christ centered Easter activities for your kids this year.

More March Activities For Catholic Kids

You can also check out the free March Activities for Catholic Families printable from Real Life at Home from Angie (who is also the project manager on Catholic Icing)

March Catholic Activities 2018 web



Free Printable Saints Coloring Book for March – Real Life at Home

Free Printable March Saints Coloring Book for Catholic Kids

Be sure to check out my book for living liturgically with your family, Weaving The Faith

You can find all of my resources for living the liturgical year organized month by month here!