The church year is so intricate and beautiful! And sometimes… a little hard to keep up with haha. Before Catholic Icing was my full time job, there was so much that I failed to understand about the church year, but I’m here to bring you in on a little secret today; there is a whole string of super cool feast days following Pentecost Sunday!
So I made the little image above to help you have a visualization of the days following Pentecost.
It can be kinda hard to keep track of the moving feast days. In Pentecost’s defense, it’s actually all contingent on Easter Sunday, which moves each year depending on the cycles of the moon. So once the Easter Sunday date is determined, that determines all the feast days from Ash Wednesday through the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
This string of feast days can fall in different months from year to year, but always happen on the same days of the week. For instance, Easter is always a Sunday, Ash Wednesday is always a Wednesday, etc.
Today we are going to take a look at all the feast days that follow Pentecost Sunday, and I am going to provide links to all the days so you can easily find ideas to celebrate these feasts with your family!
Pentecost Sunday
Pentecost Sunday lands on the 50th day of Easter, and completes the Easter season. This is the 8th Sunday in the octave of Easter. You can read all about how and why we celebrate Pentecost Sunday here.
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother Of The Church Feast Day
This is a new and beautiful feast day that falls the day after Pentecost! So this feast day always lands on a Monday. This day is acknowledging Mary’s role in Pentecost and the beginning of the Church. You can find free printables and ideas for celebrating Mary, Mother of the church with kids here.
Trinity Sunday, Feast Of The Most Holy Trinity
I just love celebrating Trinity Sunday, which always falls the Sunday following Pentecost. I have a round up of Trinity resources for families here, and they are all summer Trinity ideas. No shamrocks haha. I am just never in the mood for shamrock resources in the summer.
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Corpus Christi, Feast Of The Most Holy Body And Blood Of Christ
The feast of Corpus Christi always falls 2 Sundays after Pentecost. This is really great time to focus on the Eucharist with kids, and so I would encourage you to check out my Communion resources for kids here.
Feast Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
This is such a beautiful feast day! Unlike the other movable feasts above, this falls on a Friday. The Sacred Heart can actually celebrated traditionally every month on the first Friday of the month. The feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, however, falls on the 3rd Friday after Pentecost. You can find all of my Sacred and Immaculate heart resources for kids here.
Good news! I now have a full at-home VBS program for Catholic kids… Summer With The Sacred Heart! This vacation bible school program is chock full of fun crafts and activities for all kids ages preschool through teens. Get your program now!
Feast Of The Immaculate Heart Of Mary
The Immaculate Heart of Mary is traditionally celebrated on the first Saturdays of each month, but her official feast day falls on the 3rd Saturday after Pentecost. My Sacred and Immaculate heart resources are combined in the link above.
For a deeper explanation of why these feasts are all in this line, check out this article about movable June feast days.
Dear Lacy,
Thank you for this wealth of information! Just when I think I know my faith, I know very little!! This is a HUGE help! Thank you for sharing!