Notebooking With Catholic Kids- Printable “Our Father” Copywork

We have been continuing on our journey of religious notebooking, and today we covered the topic of the Our Father prayer! I have been creating these notebooking pages as a series to go along with the book Tell Me About The Catholic Faith, but you could certainly use these to teach kids about the Our Father prayer whether or not you are reading that book. You can find the entire 130 page pack of matching notebooking pages here

our father printable copywork for kids in print and cursive


My Thoughts On Pages 54-55 in TMACF:

Pretty straight forward- just the Our Father prayer. Although I will say that it is super nice to have actually Catholic materials that use the Catholic wording for this. (Yay!!!)

My Printables:

So we actually used the copywork pages that I created last year, but with a fun twist. 🙂

First off, this copywork is available in both print and cursive OOps! Very sorry- apparently it’s only available in print, which means I wrote cursive in myself for Lydia to look at, and forgot that I didn’t include that in the pack! Sorry for the slip up here. You can download it here for $2, and the pack comes with the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Angel of God, Fatima Prayer, Before Dinner Prayer, and The Apostle’s Creed, many of which will be used in the course of completing these TMACF notebooking pages.

catholic prayer copywork

Julian completed the copywork in print…

our father prayer copywork

Lydia completed the copywork in cursive…

our father pray cursive copywork

and Violet completed the copywork in… well.. psychedelic colors.

our father prayer copy work preschool

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Haha! As you can see here, Violet used the pages where you trace the dotted text.

our father copy work preschooler

I found that the kids were having trouble fitting it on just the 2 Bible pages, so we cut an extra page from the same template just like this: (you will only need the page you cut on the right side shown here to tape to your other page- you can throw the rest of this page away.)

our father make a fun mini book

Then we taped it right in the middle of their un-cut Bible copywork page. This resulted a little “turnable” page that is really cool! You can then take your background page and cut around the book shape rather than leaving it shaped like a piece of paper. This makes for an extra awesome effect! Just be sure to tape this together before you start copying so you don’t end up with your pages out of order.

our father fun copy work

You could really use these pages for any prayer or Scripture copywork.

our father bible copy work made fun

I am such a fan of activities that span the age group of (almost) all of my children! That’s my favorite part about using this series as our Religious Ed right now- having everyone on the same page. (pun intended) 😉

our father copywork for all ages

The Pack Is Now Ready For Download!!!

Edited to say- the whole pack of these notebooking pages is now complete, and you can get your set here!

You can find all the links to this series here.

free catholic notebooking pages- tell me about the catholic faith