Well, you have all been asking for a second set of decoupagable peg dolls since I came out with the first set, and here it is! This set has the characters you need to act out the Passion of Jesus, including everyone you need for the 14 Stations of the Cross.
For anyone unfamiliar with my printable peg dolls, the concept is easy. All you have to do is paint the head, and then you print and decoupage on the body with Mod Podge. They are very durable, and really appear to be painted when they’re finished. Here’s a picture of how it works.
That’s it! It’s surprisingly fast and easy. I have very specific step-by-step directions on decoupaging them to make sure they look nice and hold up well. These print onto regular computer paper, not card stock. Card stock will not wrap and lay flat in the same way.
You don’t need to be an artist to paint the heads! I designed all the faces to be cute and expressive, yet easy to re-create. The download includes pictures of each head from the front, side, and back along with step by step directions for painting them. Best of all- all the faces can be draw on with a sharpie or a paint pen! *note- Mod Podge will not run sharpie marker*
Saints Included In Printable Peg: The Passion Set
This printable peg dolls pack is themed “The Passion Set”, but it also includes all the characters you need to act out the Stations of the Cross. I am planning on coming out with the companion “Easter Set” soon, so you may want to go ahead and order 20 peg dolls rather than just 10. 😉
St. Peter
Last Supper Jesus
Crown of Thorns Jesus, St. Veronica
A peg doll that stands for the weeping women and children of Jerusalem
Pontius Pilate
Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Simon of Cyrene
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A Roman Soldier (which I also provide the mirror image of. This way, you can have St. Longinus, and 1 generic Roman soldier. If you want to make 2 Roman soldiers, that brings this pack to 11 peg dolls.)
I wanted to “label” these peg dolls separately from our larger set, and decided to make a special set of circles to decoupage on the bottom. These also go right on with Mod Podge. The cross stands for the Passion Set, and then the name (and feast day where applicable) of the person is also included. I’m planning on color coding all the rest of my sets this way in the future as well!
These are so fast to make, you can easily make them for your kids, nieces, nephews, and even your Godchildren!
Remember, it’s also all the figures you need for the Stations of the Cross!
What’s Included In The Printable Peg Dolls Download: The Passion Set
- 10 Saint peg doll downloads (11 if you want to make 2 Roman Soldiers): Last Supper Jesus, Crown of Thorns Jesus, Mary Mother of Jesus, St. Peter, St. Veronica, St. Longinus (Roman Soldier), Pontius Pilate, Weeping Woman of Jerusalem, Judas, Simon of Cyrene
- Labels for the bottom of the peg dolls.
- Step by step directions for each head you need to paint.
- Tips about how to paint, exactly what materials to use, and exactly how to be successful with decoupaging.
Supplies You’ll Need:
I go into more detail in the download about the supplies you need, but just so you have some idea before you get started, here’s the list of supplies I recommend:
- Acrylic Paint
- Pointy Paint Brush
- Foam Brush
- Black Sharpie Marker or Black Paint Pen
- Wooden Pegs-
- 3 and 9/16 inches tall, and 1 and 1/8 inches wide. These work with only the man shaped pegs, not the ones that bell out to look like dresses. Order your pegs here for just $1 and Prime shipping! There are 10 Saints in this pack, and you can buy the pegs in bags of 10 as well.
(Again, if you want 2 Roman Soldiers you will need 11 pegs, BUT if you are ordering 20 pegs in anticipation of my Easter set, there will be Roman Soldiers there as well, so you really do only need 20.)
- 3 and 9/16 inches tall, and 1 and 1/8 inches wide. These work with only the man shaped pegs, not the ones that bell out to look like dresses. Order your pegs here for just $1 and Prime shipping! There are 10 Saints in this pack, and you can buy the pegs in bags of 10 as well.
All of the photographs from this post are of dolls that have been decoupaged, not painted. Well, their heads are painted. I think you know what I mean. The point is, these really do look and feel painted, and my kids absolutely love them!
This download costs just $10, which turns out to be only one dollar per Saint!
FAQ’s About My Printable Peg Dolls:
- Can I use these downloads with an ink jet printer? Won’t the Mod Podge smear the ink? In the directions in the download, it says that you’ll need to spray hair spray or a fixative on your paper before you Mod Podge it. Also, the less strokes and less “scrubbing” from the paint brush with the Mod Podge, the better. So once you have your initial layer on there and it dries, you’re good to go. A laser printer decoupages with no problems at all. This is in the directions in the actual download. Ya’ll know I’m pretty thorough when I give directions for my stuff- I promise it’s all in there.
- Won’t the decoupage smear? I got a Saint from a swap with something decoupaged, and it peeled right off. NO!!!! The decoupage doesn’t peel if it’s properly done, and I have good directions in the download to do it properly. It will hold up just as well as peg dolls that have been painted and sealed.
- When will you come out with more? I already have 3 other sets! Find them here!
Printable Peg Dolls: The Resurrection Set
Printable Peg Dolls: Saint That Go Together
Printable Peg Dolls: The Nativity Set
Feel free to tell me what “set” you think should be next in the comments! My plan is to make all of them in sets of 10 that have a common theme, such as Eucharist related Saints, all different Marys, etc.
Related Posts:
- Holy Week In Handprints– a book about holy week that is illustrated with your handprint paintings!
- All Of My Peg Doll Resources
Just purchased! ❤️ this Passion Set! ❤️ the labels! Thank you Lacy!
So funny- I am also in love with the labels! It’s the little things. 🙂
I have to tell you, when I received the first Peg Doll post I thought to myself “They are so cute, but I am not an artist…there is no way I can do those”. But, after seeing the project for the second time, I decided to try it. I had so much fun and they were so easy. When I ordered my Wood Peg Dolls, I ordered an extra bag because I knew there would be more coming out. Today, I took my Peg Dolls out to count them and the bag of 10 was actually 11! Must have been a packaging error that worked out perfectly for the Passion Week Peg Dolls with the extra Roman Soldier. Thanks for the labels on the bottom, those are a nice addition. Can’t wait to do this set.
Wow, that’s awesome! My bags of 10 usually have just 10. 🙂 So happy to hear that it was easier than you thought- it really is incredible how fast they go together!
And I really didn’t mean to make the set more than 10, I just couldn’t resist flipping the Roman soldier to a mirror image so we could have 2. And you still need to order another bag of 10 for the Easter set coming out by next week. 😉
Hi! Does the Passion set (and will the Easter set) have a Black and White printable option to color? Thanks!
No, none of them do/will. I don’t really draw outlines before I paint, so I don’t have them in black and white. I suppose I look at this as the lazy man’s craft. But you COULD print them, scribble on the back of the printable, wrap it around the peg, and trace the lines in order to transfer the outline straight to the wooden peg. Then you could paint right on there- no need to decoupage.
Thank you so much!!!!!! I already made the first 10 and was so excited for the next! My kids won’t even believe that they get to do the stations with them!!! thanks!
These are so great! I still haven’t done mine yet b/c my printer is out of ink but I’ll get on the ball soon. Looking forward to more saints in the future!!!
I love your creativity, Lacy. I was super excited to make a set of dolls for the Stations of the Cross; however, I would not recommend doing this if you have an inkjet printer. I sprayed liberally with hairspray and allowed it to dry and still had my Mod Podge turn red and blue and the colors of the dolls are really sad now. The kids will still have fun playing with them, but I would recommend having these printed somewhere else if you have an ink jet printer.
So GREAT! Purchasing these tonight! Would LOVE an Easter set next! Thank you for all your work and ideas they bring many blessings!
Yay! Encouragement to finish the Easter set- I need it! 😉
Thanks so much for this! I am so excited to make these.
Ideas for more sets: the martyrs, the stigmatics, 20th century saints, famous saint authors (maybe with them holding the book they are most famous for?), Doctors of the Church.
And then maybe “Catch Phrase/ Tag Line” Saints. Perhaps with the phrase around the bottom of the doll. Like Padre Pio “Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry.” JPII “Be Not Afraid.” etc.
Great ideas! I want to have like, 100 of them! lol
Hi Lacy,
Thanks so much for sharing these templates. I am getting together with a friend this weekend to start getting our sets…the first for both of us! Do you by chance have the names of the acrylic colors you used listed anywhere?
Thanks for your time!
No, I don’t have any kind of list like that. I’m sure it will go well- have fun! 🙂
Can you save these to a flash drive once you download them? I will need to bring it to a store to print them off, as I have an inkjet printer at home, so I will need to download and save them to a flash drive. Once you download them once, will I have access to them again to print again in case one gets list or ruined and I need to remake one?
I am sooooo glad you have made these and am excited for the next set to come out!
Yes, just save the file directly to the computer or your flash drive or wherever. The link in your email is only good for 5 clicks, so you really need to make sure that you do save it somewhere else. 🙂
These are so great! What a wonderful way to give the kids a “hands-on” tool to learn more about Jesus’ life during Holy Week. It’s the perfect companion to your Jerusalem block city. Thank you so much for providing these! We not only have 1, but 2 Atriums in our area. My two oldest children used to go. But as our family grew, we sadly couldn’t afford it anymore. I LOVE that you give me a way to do this at home. I get so excited when I see you have a new post up. It’s always something great. 🙂 Maybe the next peg doll set could include the other Apostles so we can re-create the Last Supper. God bless you, Lacy!
I have been so swamped with finishing all of my Easter resources this weekend, and you have no idea how much I needed this comment and how happy it makes me! Thank you for your kind words. 🙂 And yes, I REALLY want a set of the 12 Apostles before next Holy Thursday. Between the Passion set and the Resurrection set, I already have 4 of them, so it takes the edge off.
Love these!
For set ideas I was thinking a “girl saint set” and “boy saint set”
A nativity set
A mother Mary set
We are obsessed with the saint dolls, buying both your decoupage sets and working on an exchange with fellow Catholic moms. I would also suggest a girl saint and boy saint set as I am making five girl saints to go along with our five daughter’s patrons. And having all 12 apostles will help teach our girls their names and stories.
Looking forward to the Resurrection set. Thank you for giving me great ideas to use at home.
Yay- I love other moms who are obsessed with peg dolls! Yes, I really really want a 12 apostles set as well. 🙂
I saw these, and as cute as they were, was not going to make these because I was trying to make the next two weeks as simple as possible. However, my daughter walked by just as I was checking my e-mail & saw the Resurrection set, exclaiming in a very enthusiastic voice, “I want to play with those!” Long story short, I will be decoupaging to my heart’s content next week. 🙂 Thanks for making these.
Hahahaha! Love this! I’m going to be posting little Montessori lessons to go with them for the whole Easter season through Pentecost, so you won’t regret it. 🙂
My 6 year old granddaughter loves all your printable peg saints as do I. She wanted a bishop and an uncle for the Juan Diego set , so being that I have no drawing ability, I took your Juan and painted a blue robe over the front leaving the tilma as well. The bishop, of that time, dressed the same as the other monks, so I took dark brown paint and covered the wolf and dove. I put a cross in his hand even that is out of proportion. The uncle is Juan Bernadino and Bishop Juan Zumarraga hope this isn’t unethical. I’m making her stories to go with her dolls. Thank you so much for making these printable.
I would like to know what type of paper you used to print. Plain white paper or Card stock paper? Thank you!
Cardstock would be difficult to adhere to the pegs, so we recommend regular white printer paper.
Hi Lacy, do these decoupage papers fit over the female “triangular” Peg doll or is it just for the straight Peg doll? Also, did you say that we can pay one price and then print them more than once? I ordered a set probably about a year ago and just started the Peg dolls and can’t believe how easy it is! And one other question. Can we print these off of an iPad?
Thanks for all you do for our Catholic faith and our kids.
Hi Theresa –
The peg dolls that these are designed for are 3 and 9/16 inches tall and 1 and 1/8 inches wide. These work with only the straight side pegs, not the ones that bell out to look like dresses. This is the link where you can get those: http://www.craftparts.com/3916-man-body-little-people-p-3731.html?cat_id=467
It depends on your usage of the set, but yes – you can buy them and print more than one copy. If you have specific questions about how you plan on using them, feel free to give us some more information and we’d be happy to help!
If your printer is compatible with your iPad, then I would imagine that you could print them like that. Sometimes the iPads don’t seem to want to receive the downloads that Lacy offers. So, I can’t promise that it will work. But, in theory – it should. 🙂
– Angie, Catholic Icing Project Manager
Hi Angie, thanks for the info. So I want to print them at least twice because my 9 yr old dgt is dying to do them and I also want to do a set for her teacher. So if I am allowed to do that, do I have to download twice or do I just say “print 2 copies”? I am computer illiterate so excuse me if that’s a silly question. Thanks again and thanks for answering. Sometimes I don’t get an answer from other sites!
We are back into peg making and would love another set. Would you please consider making a 12 apostles set?
I am looking for the Last supper set for the peg dolls. Am I missing it somewhere? It would be nice to have all 12 of his apostles so I could use it with that CGS lesson on the last supper.
Hi Kathy –
While there is this Passion set and an Easter set, there is no 12 apostles set. Unfortunately, even if you have all the sets, you wouldn’t have all 12 apostles. Maybe sometime in the future Lacy will make a 12 apostles set, as I know it has been requested quite a bit. But I wouldn’t anticipate that being any time in the near future.
Angie, Catholic Icing Business Manager