Printable Easter Countdown Calendar

Did you know that there are 50 days in the Easter season? Not one, but 50! That’s even more days than there are in Lent! The Easter season begins with Easter Sunday and ends with Pentecost. In order to help my kids and me remember that the Easter season is an ongoing thing, I made this religious Easter countdown calendar which starts on Easter Sunday and ends on Pentecost Sunday. You can find all of my ways of celebrating the 50 days of Easter here. For now, let’s take a look at this printable Easter countdown calendar!

Free Printable 50 Days of Easter

Printable For The Sundays Of Easter

Before we jump into the printable countdown calendar for kids, I wanted to share this Sundays of Easter countdown bunting with you! You hang an egg for each Sunday in Eater (there are 8) and move the little Jesus along as you go to keep track of which week you’re on. This begins with Easter Sunday and ends with Pentecost.

Count Down the Sundays of Easter

Printable Countdown Calendar For Easter Season

The best part about this Easter countdown calendar is that it’s printable and free for all of you!

This Easter calendar doesn’t include calendar dates, so it’s good for every year! Some days I included when drawing this calendar are Divine Mercy Sunday (which Pope John Paul II instituted as the second Sunday of Easter), all 8 Sundays of Easter, Ascension Thursday, and Pentecost. This is a great tool for teaching your kids about the liturgical year, so I hope you find a use for it!

How To Use The Pentecost Countdown Calendar

I’m going to have my kids mark off each day with a sticker. (I think I have a bunch of small Easter stickers left over from an egg-dying kit around here somewhere). Other options would be coloring one square each day, or marking them off with “x’s”. You could also laminate the calendar with contact paper, or put it in a Dollar Store frame and then mark off the days with a dry-erase marker. I also thought about decoupaging it to a cookie sheet and moving a magnet one square each day. It’s totally up to you.

I’m definitely using these as a religious Easter basket stuffer at my house, too! 😉

Grab Your Black And White Easter Calendar Now

All you have to do to download this Easter calendar for kids in black and white is click the link below!

Black and White Printable 50 Days of Easter

Make sure you allow the image to download completely before printing, otherwise, it may result in a half-printing job. I’m sorry, but I cannot troubleshoot your printer problems with you- thank you for understanding. If you’re having trouble printing, try downloading them first rather than printing straight from the doc.

Easter Calendar For Kids Full Color

Just for fun, I’m also offering the Easter calendar in color, and it’s also free!

Full Color Printable 50 Days of Easter

The Easter Countdown Calendar is free for all Catholic Icing Weekly Newsletter Subscribers to download.

Whether you are already a Catholic Icing newsletter subscriber or if you sign up for the free newsletter today, you can get the Easter Countdown Calendar for free by clicking on the “Get Your Free Download: Click Here!!!” button below. You will be taken to a form where you will enter your email address and then hit submit. After that, watch your email inbox for a link to the Easter Countdown Calendar.

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If you’re looking for a countdown calendar that ends on Easter, you need to check out my printable Lenten calendar.

If you’re looking for more ideas on how to celebrate all 50 days of Easter, check out this post.

These pages are my own artwork and are free for any not-for-profit use by individuals, families, or educational organizations. Copies may not be sold, reproduced for profit, or published by anyone but me. If you’d like to post this calendar for others to find, I would ask that you link to my post and rather than my individual downloads because their location may change. When printing or running copies, please do not remove my website from the bottom of the page. Thanks!

Do you prefer to just buy the colored version of the Easter calendar instead?

You can purchase it right now for just a couple of dollars.  There will be an immediate download pop-up, as well as an email with a link to download that will arrive just a bit after your purchase.

Add to Cart

Check out all of my faith-based Easter crafts and recipes for kids here!

Find My Lenten Resources For Kids here

Silly rabbit! Easter is for Jesus!!!

You can find all of my Christ-centered resources for Easter here.

Make it about the lamb, not the bunny!


Easter Countdown Calendar (in Color)

Subscribe to the Catholic Icing Weekly Newsletter and receive the Easter Countdown Calendar (in Color) as a free gift

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime.


    1. Gorgeous! Thank you so much for this. My daughter has loved your Lenten calendar so I know she will be thrilled.

    2. Susana of Montessori Candy says

      Thank you for this Lacy. The children will love it! We already use your Lenten calendar, so this will be a great addition!

    3. says

      This is great and I love that you can use it every year. Thanks so much, I'll be linking.

    4. Catequese Kids says

      Thank You Lacy!In my community we have used your Lenten Calendary translated by Maria João to the portuguese. Our children loved it!I think that is so important talk to children about the Easter season. Unfortunately, we used to talk only about the Easter sunday.Layse

    5. Wonderful, Lacy! Thank you SO much;-)

    6. Tiny Actions says

      Lacy, this is fantastic! My kiddos are enjoying the lenten calander so much and they will be thrilled with this one as well. Thanks!

    7. Thanks for this! I LOVE this time of year. It seems to just keep going and going which is just lovely! 🙂

      I also want to invite you to my blog for a really nice giveaway that includes beautiful Catholic handmade items. I know you already know Sarah Harkin!

    8. Taryne Leigh says

      This is fantastic!! Thank you so much Lacy 🙂

    9. Bunnydeau says

      Love it!

    10. Bunnydeau says

      check out this picture!

    11. post

    12. Thank you for this calendar! I cut out a small white cross and put poster tack on the back so my 4 year old can move the cross each day. This is great for all of our children to follow the Easter season, too!

    13. Love your Lent ideas! I have been sharing your creativity with my readers 🙂

    14. Linda Miller says

      I really enjoy your site. I am always looking forward to seeing your new ideas. I would like to thank you for sharing so much for free!

      • So glad you’re finding the site useful! Sharing stuff for free always makes me happiest. 🙂


    1. […] I’m planning on making this adorable Resurrection set courtesy of Catholic Icing. Don’t miss her Easter countdown calendar! […]

    2. […] My favorite printable Lent countdown calendar comes from Catholic Icing and she has one for the Easter season, […]

    3. […] First, here is a calendar to help you keep track of the Easter season from Catholic Icing. […]