Printable Lenten Calendar 2022

This Lenten calendar is an amazing way to count down the days of Lent with even the smallest children! They can see the 40 days pass by and see Easter approaching! The whole thing fits on just one page, so you can easily print them for an entire classroom! This is the perfect way to help your children understand the true meaning of Lent and keep their Lenten sacrifices on track. Let’s take a look at this printable Lenten calendar!

And yes- the new version does include specific days for the 2022 year! Because Lent is based on Easter, which is always on a Sunday, but most Catholic feast days are based on dates on a calendar, these don’t line up with each other from year to year. That’s why there is now a special page of this calendar so that dates that move each Lent (such at St. Patrick’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day, St. Joseph’s Day, the chair of St. Peter, the Annunciation, etc) can be integrated right into your little ones calendars! 

Free Version Of Lenten Calendar

You can also find details on how to get a free version of this Lenten Calendar here by becoming a subscriber of Catholic Icing. (The free version does include several pages that generically work for every Lent, but does not include the 2022 specific version.)
My Lenten calendar didn’t used to change from year to year, so I’m super excited to be able to offer year specific versions now!!! 

Look how easy it is to make your black and white version beautiful! This is one I colored with markers to use at my house.

Important Lent Dates For 2022:

  • Ash Wednesday 2022- March 2
  • First Sunday of Lent- March 6
  • Second Sunday of Lent- March 13
  • Third Sunday of Lent- March 20
  • Laetare Sunday- March 27
  • Fifth Sunday of Lent- April 3
  • Palm Sunday 2022- April 10
  • Holy Thursday 2022- April 14
  • Good Friday 2022- April 15
  • Holy Saturday 2022- April 16
  • Easter Sunday 2022- April 17

Symbols Included On The Lenten Calendar

This calendar has a little ash cross on Ash Wednesday, fish on Fridays to remind you to abstain from meat, and little symbols throughout Holy Week as well! The 2022 version has symbols for specific Saint feast days as well. This is a great way to count down Lent with your kids so they can see how much time is left until Easter. 

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

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More Lenten Resources For Families

Also be sure to check out my new cookbook for families– The Symbolic Holy Week & Easter Cookbook! This cookbook includes 23 recipes that point to the true meaning of Easter. It also includes 29 pages of bonus printables! You do not want to miss this amazing resource. 

You might also enjoy these Lenten Resolution Tracker Pages. These can help encourage your kids to give up something for Lent, then stick to it!
And don’t miss my Holy Weeks In Handprints download! Kids illustrate the passion story in their handprints each day of Holy Week- this is a great learning tool and keepsake, plus it’s really fun!

Thanks for visiting! 🙂


  1. Thanks, Lacy for posting this! I was just going to have to make my own, but yours is better than mine ever would have been!

  2. JOYfilled Family says

    My kids will love this!
    Pax – Lena

  3. Kathleen's Catholic says

    Seems like I'm commenting too much on your stuff, but it's just so well done. I emailed your link to my friend who teaches CCD. I wouldn't doubt it if she shares it with all the other CCD teachers. Very nice, Lacy!

  4. Thanks, Lacy! I've been using the same little calendar for 12 years — definitely time for a new one!

  5. Thanks for sharing this with us- I KNEW there was a good reason you deserved that award!! You are awesome! 🙂

  6. This calendar is great! I printed them out for my kids and my kindergarten CCD class. My 8 year old says it's cool!

  7. Amazing_Grace says

    Great job! The kids will LOVE this! 🙂

  8. This is great!! I printed it out for my kiddos! I've used a really, really old one for years, I used years ago when I did daycare (I ran a Catholic daycare in my home before we had kids) and it's just not near as nice as yours is!!

    Thank you so very much!

  9. Thanks for this great calendar!! I printed one for home to use with my kids, and one to use with my CCD kids (1st graders). I'm sure the other teachers will want to use it too!

  10. Very cool. Thanks.

  11. Thank you so much! I knew that if I searched the web I would find something about the lenten calendar for my daughter…but I never hoped for something so perfectly suited to her.
    I'm definitely a new Follower.
    Happy Valentine's Day,

  12. Thanks so much. I used it in my Family Formation class this past Saturday.

    Thanks for all the wonderful ideas you have.

    God's blessings,
    Lara in Ottawa

  13. Hi! I'm writing from Italy where I live (sorry about my bad englih…). Your blog is very interesting. I translated the calendar in Italian, so that I can use it with my children in Parish. I also post it on my blog.( Thank you!
    Why aren't Sundays included in the 40 days of Lent? I believe that Lent finishes on Palm Sunday and does not include The Holy Week… However, thank you for sharing your work with us!

  14. Love this calendar! Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Wonderful, Lacy!

    I, too, was about to make my own and thank you for your excellent work! You've saved me a bit of time today, allowing me to focus on another pre-Lenten project…

  16. Thank you. I'm making copies for my girls and for my catechism class too.

  17. Thank you for sharing this. It's wonderful!

  18. When I try to download and print the calendar, I get an error message that say "You've reached the bandwidth limit for viewing or downloading files that aren't in Google Docs format. Please try again later."

    This would be a great thing to do with our kids this Lent. If you can help out with this glitch, contact me at Thanks!

  19. Thank you so much for this! Saves me some work, and my kids will love it! Good Job!

  20. Thank you, Lacy. This is perfect.

  21. oh how lovely I am sharing this on my friendfeed, I am also on scribed and would love to connect with you on scribed, I have lovely printables for simple living

  22. Wow! This is great! Thanks so much for this! Love it!! We'll pray for you throughout Lent in thanksgiving for such great family- and child-friendly ideas found on your site:)

  23. JOYfilled Family says

    Thanks for sharing. We are using this for the little ones in addition to our primary Lenten photo calendar.
    Pax Christi – Lena

  24. From Trinidad, West Indies, with God's richest blessings. My girls would enjoy doing this activity.Thank you so much.

  25. OOps, did I already comment? Anyway, just wanted to say this is so beautiful! I just printed out the calendar to use with Gabriel. You've done so much in so little time… you need to go into business!!

  26. Awesome calendar…I kept trying to download the calendar from Catholic Mom and I was not successful. I'm glad I wasn't successful because that's how I found yours, and I used it for the 30 children in Children's Liturgy of the Word today!

    I printed the calendar on a big 11×18 sheet, and I taped a piece of bubblegum on the bottom with the following words:
    "I,_________________, plan to resist the temptation to chew this gum for 40 days just as Jesus resisted temptations in the desert for 40 days.

    I plan to happily chew this gum on Easter Sunday as I celebrate Jesus' Resurrection from the dead!

    hmmm…hope this helps the precious children grow to love our Lord more and more…
    Thank you again for a super calendar!

  27. Thanks so much. The kids love it and I linked to it to share with others.

  28. Just wanted to let you know I loved your downloadable lenten calendar and I have written an article on Associated Content titled
    It's Lent! Activities to Celebrate Ash Wednesday & Lent in which, I have included a link to your site.

    Thanks for the great calendar! You have a wonderful site.

    Julie Darleen Durr

  29. Gracie's Mommy says

    Thanks so much!!! Your site is such an inspiration…I love the ideas you pass along!

  30. hi, I have translated this calendar in to polish. I am going to publicate it in my blog on wednesday, if you don't mind… don't you?
    I like your blog very much. You are doing a great job. God bless you!

    my blog:

  31. Deb Chitwood says

    Lovely Lenten calendar! I wish I would have had this while my children were growing up (they're 20 and 25 now). I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at

  32. Wonderful Lenten Calender! Exactly what I was looking for to give my class at Religious Ed. Thank you 🙂

  33. Sandi Robinson says

    OOH girl I love this site. I work for St. Theodore Catholic Church in Moss Bluff, LA (Lake Charles is just south of Moss Bluff) in the CCD program. I LOOOOOOOOVE your site and use several things to offer to our catechists to use in the lesson planning. PLEASE keep up the good work; we need your stuff to keep our children on track (and their parents too!) May God Bless you in your wonderful efforts to keep our wonderful faith alive.

  34. Thank you! I homeschool and this is just perfect for my 2nd grader to do! You do a great favor to us who are in need Catholic resources such as these!

  35. Thanks so much for your lenten map. My class has first reconciliation tonight and I wanted to bring them something fun. god bless you.

  36. This is wonderful! Thank you for the resource!

  37. tarni sutton says

    not very helpful no proper lenten calenders

  38. Hi Lacy,
    When I go to the link “Free Printable Lenten Calendar Here “, it is taking me to the one that has all the dates on it from 2010. Am I totally doing this wrong? I’m not finding one that doesn’t have all the dates filled in. Thanks! 🙂


  39. Shelley Miller says

    I just wanted to let you know how valuable I have found this resource! I teach 6th grade religion in a Catholic school and I have used this print out every year since you put it out on the web. I truly appreciate your sharing of your gifts. Thank you!

  40. Julia a.k.a. Mama MOE says

    So happy I found you and this printout! I remember having one similar to this as a child. I’ll be sharing it with my children – thank you!

  41. Thank you so much for all your work. AMAZING!!! I can’t wait to use this with my family. ❤


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