Printable St. Gerard Note Cards

St. Gerard’s feast day is on October 16, which is this Saturday. When I was in high school, I painted a whole series of Saint pictures that were supposed to “modernize” the saints. St. Gerard is the patron saint of expectant mothers and the unborn, so I did a mixed media piece of him in an ultrasound picture. I’ve always liked this piece a lot, and I like to have it hanging in our home- especially when I’m pregnant.

St. Gerard with sonograph behind him

I thought this piece would make really nice Catholic note cards for expectant mothers. These could be great for telling anyone that you are praying for their unborn baby! I thought that these would be especially useful to send to someone having trouble with their pregnancy. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right thing to send, but if you know a pregnant Catholic lady, you really can’t go wrong with this one 😉 So I’ve made these simple printable note cards for all of you to enjoy for free!

St. Gerard Card

*Printing the Cards*
I’ve been having some emails about the cards not printing, but I just printed some from my computer as a test and it worked just fine. Click the link above the cards. On the google docs page there’s a link in the top left corner that says ‘print’. When it takes you to the printing screen use the little printer icon to the left of the picture. If you’re still having problems shoot me an email and I’ll send you the jpeg image for printing. 🙂

I also think this could be a neat image for an NFP only OB/GYN to use in the office. I’m hoping to have some prints of these available in the future, so be sure and let me know in the comments if that’s something you’d be interested in 🙂

*If you’re looking for a card to send to someone who has lost a baby, try This Printable Miscarriage Card from Vee at Paper Dali.

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Miscarriage Card

The St. Gerard mixed media piece was completed using colored pencils, watercolor paint, and acrylic paint on watercolor paper. It’s meant to be St. Gerard actually inside of an ultrasound picture, so that’s why all the white dots and words etc. The baby in the ultrasound is actually my little brother. He was born when I was 16.

I hope you enjoy these note cards! As soon as I have some printer ink I am going to print them and send some out myself! Here I am with the original:

Lacy with St. Gerard Card

*These printable note cards are my own artwork and are free for any not-for-profit use by individuals, families, or educational organizations. Copies may not be sold or reproduced for profit. If you’d like to post these notecards for others to find, I would ask that you link to my post and rather than my individual download. When printing or running copies, please do not remove my site name from the page. Thanks!

Be sure to check out all of my other October feast day resources as well!
October Feast Day Resources


  1. these are super. Great talent!

  2. Hi Lacy,
    I love your St. Gerard note cards and wanted to print one for a friend. The link goes straight to Google. I'm not sure what to do to print them. Can you help?
    Thanks so much. Love your site. I've gotten so many awesome ideas from you.
    God Bless,

  3. How could he be canonized before he passed away?

  4. Hi Lacy

    I love your work! What a great inspiration! Someone above mentioned that you might have gotten the year he was canonized mixed up with the year he was born…not a big deal, for those that already printed it out it can be fixed with a black maker to "x" it out and then over it a white out pen, right?
    I looked it up, he was canonized in 1904.

    Have you thought about the clinic in White Bear Lake? They are the only prolife medical office that I know of. I bet they would love a copy of this!

  5. Lacy @ Catholic Icing says

    Yes, Lol! This picture has been hanging in my home for years and I have NEVER noticed that it said he was canonized before he was born. LOL! Ok, when I have the time I will fix it on the computer and put up new note cards. Maybe tomorrow. Glad y'all caught this!

    You should be able to just click the link and use the print option for google docs. My printer isn't working so I wasn't able to check it. Let me know if you are/aren't having trouble getting it to print. Thanks!

  6. Lacy @ Catholic Icing says

    I totally just took down the picture of the close up of the corner in an attempt to avoid further public humiliation. Lol! 🙂

  7. Sharon in MI says

    When I click on the link to download/print the picture, I get a "Sorry, this page isn't available" message from Google. I hope you get it working soon; this is such a neat image, and as I'm due with my 9th in less than 6 weeks, I'd love to have an image of St. Gerard around. 🙂

  8. Just wanted to leave a note and say I love your site and all the great "icing" ideas. These are the things that make it fun to be Catholic. 🙂

    I put your October button on my blog… our priest just wrote an article about the fact that the average Catholic doesn't think "Rosary" when hears October—it is more like jack-o-lanterns and witches, unfortunately. The pumpkin catches the eye for October. 🙂

    God bless.

  9. Yay! These are beautiful! Thank you so much for these excellent ideas!

    I'm printing one out for myself (I'm due the 23rd of this month), but I will put it on my blog for friends that I know are expecting soon also!

    Thank you and God bless you for all your great ideas and your talent!

  10. TOO CUTE! I love the original piece and the card idea! Very creative! It is funny my oldest son's bday is Jan 22, Rowe vs Wade day and my middle son's is Oct 16, St Gerard day! God meant for me to be PRO LIFE! lol

  11. These are absolutely precious!!! Great work and thank you for your kind and generous sharing:-)

  12. Lacy @ Catholic Icing says

    *Printing Problem Fixed!*

    Yay! I figured out what was wrong! I had forgotten to make it a "public" link so I was the only one who could view the document. It's fixed now. Sorry everyone! 🙂

    I've got to find a better place to host PDF's!

  13. These are beautiful notecards! Thank you SO much for sharing them with us! You should probably sell them though :o)

  14. You are an amazingly talented woman, Lacy! The picture and the note cards from it are great.

  15. JOYfilled Family says

    this is an awesome piece. thanks for sharing.
    pax Christi – lena

  16. I was wondering what you would recommend sending to someone who has had a miscarriage. The St. Gerard card doesn't seem to be quite the thing.

  17. Lacy @ Catholic Icing says


    This is an excellent question. As someone who has had a miscarriage, I would say no, this card is not quite right. I think it's the fact that it's an ultrasound picture, and often an ultrasound is how they determine that your baby is no longer living.

    But I think I have just the thing you're looking for:

    I'm going to add this link to the post for others looking for miscarriage cards. Thanks for commenting!


  18. Cita Online says

    Lacy, this is beautiful. I've just printed out a bunch to share with all my pregnant friends! Thank you for sharing this, God bless you.

  19. Please pray for me. As I near the one year anniversary of losing my baby at 9wks gestation, I am praying for a miracle for my 8 wk gestation baby. With a small gestational sac, I am at 80% chance of losing her/him. Please join me in praying for a miracle.
    Thank you for making this card. It is beautiful.