Sacred Heart of Jesus Craft

I thought I would share a Sacred Heart craft today since the First Friday devotion is to the Sacred Heart. 🙂 The Sacred heart of Jesus and Immaculate heart of Mary lend themselves to fun and colorful renditions, making them perfect for a craft project! Me and the kids love this fun and easy craft made with foil and sharpie markers. Check out this Sacred Heart of Jesus Craft

Sacred and Immaculate Heart Craft On Foil

Good news! I now have a full at-home VBS program for Catholic kidsSummer With The Sacred Heart! This vacation bible school program is chock full of fun crafts and activities for all kids ages preschool through teens. Get your program now!

At Home VBS

Supplies Needed For Sacred Heart Craft

  • Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil
  • Dull Pencil
  • Images of Sacred and Immaculate Hearts
  • Fun foam
  • Scissors
  • Sharpie Markers (various colors)

How To Make Sacred Heart Craft

We made these the same way as the Miraculous Medal craft we did (with foil and Sharpies). You can see the directions here. That post has some really good in-process pictures if you’re confused about the process, but here are the steps we followed.

Start by printing or drawing an image of the hearts and cut it out. Trace around the template onto a sheet of fun foam, and cut that out as well. So your paper and the fun foam should be the same size and shape. 

Use heavy-duty foil. Handle it carefully so it doesn’t get any unwanted creases in it. We found that cutting it with scissors rather than using the built-in foil-tearing-thingy helped keep the foil smooth. Cut the foil out a little bit larger than your fun foam shape, and wrap it around the back, keeping the front smooth.

Lightly tape your Sacred and Immaculate heart template onto your foil to keep it in place. Trace the picture with your dull pencil using good pressure to dent the foil underneath. *Hint- using a colored pencil may help your child better see where she has or hasn’t traced yet.*

Post continues after this brief information about the Catholic Icing Monthly Membership

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When you’re finished, cut the tape to release the template. Don’t pull at the tape, because you don’t want to crinkle your foil. Now you will have your image dented into the foil for you. 

Now you can color it with Sharpies! Just use the side of them and don’t push down so hard that you puncture the foil.

My 4-year-old and 6-year-old love to color on foil, so this was a hit! And we love making the Sacred and Immaculate hearts because they are so colorful!

You can find all of my Sacred and Immaculate heart resources for kids here.

Sacred Heart Ideas for Kids

The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and you can find my other resources for celebrating June feast days with kids here. 
June Feast Day Resources
The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and you can find my other resources for celebrating August feast days with kids here.
August Feast Day Resources
Summer With the Sacred Heart
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

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    1. Melinda Patek says

      I hope this is how I reach the talented lady that does the catholic icing site. I am a second grade religious ed teacher and I was wondering if I emailed you when I had a difficult lesson if I could get some ideas from you? Last year I had a hard time getting through to my kids and their parents how important going to mass was, I need some help with this one. Also teaching the Act of Contrition do you have any crafts or fun ideas for that prayer? Well let me know I have used a lot of your ideas last year!

      • If you can’t find anything on my site, you should try the Catholic toolbox. I’m sure she’ll have something.

    2. Lacy, yesterday I received the two books on Catholic ABC’s preschool curriculum I had ordered (one for me & one for my daughter/teacher/mother). It’s really so wonderful a resource! Thank you!
      You probably have been notified about this, but on page 59 regarding the Divine Mercy craft, just to let you know, the Feast of the Divine Mercy is on the first Sunday after Easter, not Pentecost.
      Again, thank you so much for sharing your talents and insights and work with us Catholic mothers and grandmothers and all others. God bless! Betty

      • Oh, no! I can’t believe that. No one has ever said anything- lol! Thanks for letting me know. I’ll fix it before the next printing.