Saint Francis of Assisi is an amazing Saint and one of the most well known! If you have 2 Catholic statues in your yard, it's probably 1 Mary statue and one St. Francis statue. His feast day comes around every year on October 4. You can find more fun Saints and feasts to celebrate in October here. Now let's look at some fun ideas for celebrating St. Francis of Assisi with … [Read more...]
Search Results for: All Saints Costumes
Saint Feast Days In July (And Other Days To Celebrate With Kids!)
I love coming up with fun and creative ways to celebrate the church year with kids, and July is full of fun Saint feast days to celebrate! Keep scrolling to the bottom of the post because it also includes other fun July feast days and faith filled Summer activities for kids. The month of July is dedicated to the precious blood of Jesus, so there are activities for that as well. Now let's look at … [Read more...]
New Online Community For Catholic Moms (AND A Flash Sale!)
I am super excited to announce that today is opening day for an all new online community for Catholic moms! It's called The Faith Weavers, A Community Of Catholic Moms Living The Liturgical Year. The name was chosen based on this post I wrote about weaving the faith into your every day lives with your kids. I am launching this group with a fantastic bunch of amazing Catholic mothers, … [Read more...]
Living The Liturgical Year At Home- How To Get Started
Do you want to celebrate the liturgical year at home, but you don't know where to start? Or maybe you don't even know what living liturgically means. Either way, you have come to the right place. So, what is the liturgical year? There's no reason to be confused or intimidated by this terminology. The liturgical year is just another way of saying church year or christian calendar. The term … [Read more...]
Saint Costume Contest Winners!
Our first annual Saint costume share was a success! Last week, I showed you my kid's Saint costumes, and invited you to share yours. Here are the costumes that got the most likes on facebook. First, we have Saint Pope John Paul II. He's standing with 2 martyred Swiss guards. This picture actually got shared on the official Swiss Guard facebook page! Linda shares a little bit of the costume … [Read more...]
How to Make a No Sew Tutu and Add it to Any Costume for Instant Cuteness!
I will admit to jumping on a band-wagon here. I kept seeing costume after costume come through Pinterest with tutus, and I'm talking way beyond fairies and ballerinas. People are adding tutus to every kind of costume, and it's adorable! I've seen super heros, pirates, clowns, peacocks, ...even fruit costumes that are all sporting tutus! When I saw this Indian costume with a tutu, I knew there was … [Read more...]
How to Make Your Own Angel Wings- The Easy Way
If your kids are dressing up for All Saints' Day, an angel can be a great costume! Easy for girls (just pair a white dress with some wings, and voila!) and an easy costume to talk boys into (since St. Michael wears armor and carries a sword.) My little Violet has asked to be an angel 2 years in a row now, and wings, of course, are vital to an angel costume. The wings were super easy to … [Read more...]
Cardinal and Pope Craft for Catholic Kids- Make a Zucchetto
Well we all know what today is- the day we start anxiously awaiting white smoke! A new Pope is officially in the works. :-) I wanted to do some kind of Papal activity with the kids besides the paper bag puppet, and we decided to make Cardinal and Pope hats. You know that little hat that the Pope wears? Not the big miter one, the little one. It looks like a skull cap, or like a beanie. Well, … [Read more...]
How to Make a San Juan Diego Costume
When it was time to pick saints for All Saints' Day costumes, there was no doubt who my 3 year old wanted to be- Saint Juan Diego! You can find all of my All Saints' Day resources for kids here. Also, you should totally check out my All Saints' Day food labels! This is the perfect All Saints' Day party printable as it turns everyday kid snacks into symbols of the Saints, making celebrating … [Read more...]