Search Results for: eggs

Lenten Activities for Kids

You can see all of my Lenten Posts by clicking here, or browse the links below. See all the Ash Wednesday Posts Here. Preparing for Lent With Children- are you ready? Bury the Alleluia Pretzels for Lent Sacrifice ideas for kids The Lent Song for Kids Counting Down the Days of Lent: Print this Lenten Countdown calendar- this is by far the most popular Catholic Icing … [Read more...]

10 Good Friday Traditions- Ideas For Observing This Day In Your Home

Good Friday is a very important day for Catholics. It's the day Jesus died on the cross for us and saved us from our sin. Not only is it an important day, it's a day of fasting, prayer, and mourning. Here are some simple ways to observe Good Friday in your home with your kids: Fast. This is required by the Catholic church if you're health and 18 years or older, but I also encourage my … [Read more...]

Holy Week Notebooking Pages And Resources For Kids

We have been continuing on our journey of religious notebooking, and today we covered the topic of the last supper and the crucifixion! I have been creating these notebooking pages as a series to go along with the book Tell Me About The Catholic Faith, but you could certainly use these to teach kids about Holy Thursday and the passion of Christ whether or not you are reading that book. You can … [Read more...]

Religious Easter Crafts And Activities For Kids

Easter is the most important feast day for Christians, and the cornerstone of our faith. But did you know that Easter is not just a day, but an entire season of the church year? It't true! Easter lasts for 50 days- all the way through Pentecost, with 8 full Sundays of Easter! We love to keep our celebration going through this season since we reserve our time before Easter observing Lent. So this … [Read more...]

Free Crown Of Thorns Printable For Lent

For years now, I've been using a crown of thorns as a sacrifice tool for my children during Lent. We made simple ones when they were little, and eventually I made a permanent one that we just pull out of our Lent box from the attic each year. This year, I'm adding a printable to ours to really help the younger kids with the imagery here (Plus, ya'll know me, any chance to include some artwork … [Read more...]

Preschool ABC Snack Ideas- Cooking Our Way Through The Alphabet

For Violet's pre-k year, I wanted to include some one on one "cooking" time with me as our Charlotte Mason life skill/ handicraft for her. We're incorporating this into my Catholic ABC's curriculum by making alphabet snacks for the letter of the week! It was important to me that Violet could be very involved in the preparation of each snack.  Therefore, the importance here was placed more … [Read more...]

Catholic ABC’s Meets All About Reading Pre-Reading

I wrote Catholic ABC's when Lydia was 3, and have been using it with my preschoolers ever since. It is a letter-of-the-week style preschool, so each week we focus on just one letter of the alphabet. On top of the lessons that are included in Catholic ABC's, I usually try to embellish the letter. For instance, if we're on the letter M, during the week we might have macaroni for lunch, color a … [Read more...]

How to Implement Montessori Inspired Activities At Home (Without Going Crazy!)

*Disclaimer- My activities are all Montessori inspired, but this post is not for the Montessori purist. This post is meant to inspire those who can't make Montessori their life, but want to implement some hands-on learning with their kiddos. :-) I recently posted about my favorite curriculum and activities for preschoolers. Today I wanted to follow up with how to set up Montessori activities in … [Read more...]

Mary Magdalene And The Red Egg

Eggs are a long symbol for Christians at Easter, and for good reason! The outside resembles the rock of a tomb, and then new life springs forth as a baby bird! But did you know why we decorate eggs at Easter time? There is a fun legend that originates with St. Mary Magdalene that you just have to learn about! I have tons of St. Mary Magdalene resources for kids here, but today, let's learn about … [Read more...]

Story Of The Passion Lunch- Symbolic Lunch For Good Friday

I designed this Good Friday scripture lunch to tell the story of the Passion to kids. They receive one food at a time, and each is symbolic to a part of the Easter story. After receiving each item, there is scripture to read that goes with it. You can find all of my holy week food ideas for kids here. This is very simple to put together. The most complicated thing is making the crown of … [Read more...]