Search Results for: eggs

Meatless Lenten Meal for Kids

We made this super easy Lenten lunch last Friday, and the kids really loved it! It's amazing how 30 seconds of work can dazzle kids. This would be a perfect, simple lunch to serve on Good Friday (or Ash Wednesday, or any Friday during Lent really). You can find all of my holy week food ideas for kids here. This could not have been easier to do. Make your kids some peanutbutter sandwiches- … [Read more...]

Observe Lent, THEN Celebrate Easter

Lent and Advent are both a time of waiting. Hence the same liturgical color- purple. I'm not going to get into any deep Lenten theology here (because that's not my 'thing') but I am going to plead my case for holding off on Easter celebrations with your family until Lent is totally over. The season of Lent lasts 40 days. These are the 40 days that Jesus was in the desert. He was hungry, and … [Read more...]

Free Subscriber Bonuses!

Welcome my little cupcakes! Thank you for supporting Catholic Icing by being a subscriber!!! It means the world to me and I couldn't do this without you guys! Enjoy your access to free extra free printables and resources. I hope this page becomes the cherry on top of your Catholic Icing! :-)  Easter Symbols Booklet Download The Easter Symbols Booklet Find the post about the full Easter … [Read more...]

Sacred and Immaculate Heart “Play Doh” Cookies

Don't let the name of these cookies scare you off- these are 100% edible cookies! They just look like playdoh, and you get to play with them like you're a little kid again. And let me tell ya- your kids are gonna LOVE making these cookies!   The feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus falls 19 days after Pentecost, which is this Friday. The Feast of the Immaculate Heart always falls on the day … [Read more...]

The Stations of the Resurrection – Great Focus for the Easter Season

Have you heard of the Resurrection? They're also know as "Via Lucis", "Stations of Light", or "The Way of the Light". There are 14 stations, and they the counterpart to the Stations of the Cross. Every station is something that happened between Easter and Pentecost, while the risen Jesus was walking around alive on the earth.  Here is a list of the stations of light. For some of them, … [Read more...]

Have a Meaningful Easter Dinner with Resurrection Story Napkin Rings

Check out all of my faith-based Easter crafts and recipes for kids here! Did you know that to us Christians, Easter is more important than Christmas? It can be so hard to keep the day focused on the true meaning of Easter, but not impossible! I designed these resurrection printables to be used at Easter dinner as part of a religious place setting! Each of these eggs has a piece of the … [Read more...]

Religious Easter Basket Stuffers (Affordable Ideas!)

I like to include some religious items in my children's basket each year, as I try to make as many aspects as possible point to the true meaning of Easter. I don't have infinite money to fill their baskets with expensive things, so I wanted to share some affordable ideas for making a Christian-focused Easter basket for your kids. Check out these ideas for finding religious Easter basket stuffer … [Read more...]

Stations of the Cross Montessori Activity for Catholic Kids

If you're looking for a Montessori-style, hands-on Catholic preschool curriculum, check out Catholic ABCs! Yesterday's stations of the cross eggs have 2 parts for us, even though either activity can stand on its own. My Catholic preschool class has been needing some new Montessori activities to do during the "works" portion of our class, so I put together stations of the cross file folder … [Read more...]

Printable Stations of the Cross for Children

It's a great idea to go over the Stations of the Cross with children during Lent. When we find ourselves traveling on Good Friday (to be with family on Easter) I always print a Stations of the Cross booklet to take with us so we can pray them on the drive. You can find out everything you ever needed to know about them at my Stations of the Cross 101 post here. Here are some printable stations … [Read more...]

Our Easter Mantel

Decorating for the liturgical season can be a great way to keep your family's focus on what's important. I decorated our mantel for Easter Sunday, and we will leave it up for all 50 days of Easter (at which time I imagine I'll decorate it for Pentecost) :-) Here is our Easter mantel:     Remember the Alleluia we buried? Well, it's time to bring it back out!     One of … [Read more...]