All the Easter crafts, snacks, games, books, etc. couldn't possibly all happen on actual Easter Sunday- it's too much! But that’s ok because the Church, in her infinite wisdom, granted an entire season of Easter that lasts for 50 days, all the way through Pentecost! The secular (cultural) world tends to celebrate Easter during Lent up until Easter Sunday, and then packs up all the … [Read more...]
Search Results for: mary garden
Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette Feast Day Ideas
The feast of Our Lady of Lourdes is February 11, and the feast day of St. Bernadette is April 16. Our Lady of Lourdes appeared to St. Bernadette at the grotto many times. To read about the story, click here. For ideas on celebrating this truly remarkable feast days, read on! Create your own printable pop-up grotto craft with this download! You can make your own grotto out of rice … [Read more...]
DIY Catholic Vacation Bible School- One Parish’s Take
This year, our parish didn't have the money for a fancy vacation bible school curriculum, AND we have no parish life center or classrooms. And you know what? We didn't let that stop us from throwing an awesome vacation bible school program for our kids! Volunteers came together, wrote their own program this year, and creatively used the space we had available, and it was fabulous! It started with … [Read more...]
First Friday Link-Up
I'm so excited about our first First Friday link-up! I can't wait to see the links ya'll have to share! I thought I would go ahead and share some of my links that will be handy for the month of May (a month dedicated to Mary). May Altar Putting together a May altar for Mary Queenship of Mary Links (great for May crownings!) Crown Mary with flowers craft Planning guide for May … [Read more...]
Our Lady and the Ladybug
Did you know that the ladybug is named after the Virgin Mary? It is said that farmers were having their crops devoured by insects and prayed to Mary for help. Then red and black beetles came and ate all the insects, saving the crops! They named them "Beetles of Our Lady" which over time turned into "Ladybugs". You can read more about this legend here. Try some of these fun ladybug activities for … [Read more...]
May Crowning Ideas For The Home (Fun Traditions, Activities, And Recipes)
May is the month of Mary. It is a tradition in the Catholic church to crown Mary with flowers during the month of May. It can be done at any time during the month, but May 1 (also known as "May Day") is a very popular day for it ;-) You can use real flowers, or make a crown from fake flowers. I have a post here all about how to plan your own May crowning. Today let's look at some May crowning … [Read more...]
Stations Of The Cross 101- Everything You Need To Know
The Stations of the Cross are a popular Catholic devotion that you will find in Catholic churches around the world. They are comprised of 14 things that happened to Jesus from his arrest to his body being placed in the tomb. In the past, this practice has also been known as “Via Crucis,” or “Way of the Cross”. Today, let's take a look at the Stations of the Cross, how this devotion started, … [Read more...]
Catholic Mom Bundle (Lent 2022)
The new Catholic Mom Bundle for Lent 2022 is going live on Monday, February 7! Come back here to get yours then :-) If there's anything y'all know about me, it's that I love a good deal, and I know you do too! I am so excited to share this new Catholic Mom Bundle with you for Lent of 2022, and the value is going to blow your socks off! And guess what?! You will totally find a Catholic Icing … [Read more...]
How To Make Arepas (Step By Step)
If you have never tried Arepas, you're in for a treat! They're easy to make and an absolute staple food in both Colombia and Venezuela. They can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. They're kind of a mom's dream because they're an easy staple, they're cheap, and they're filling. This is a great recipe to fall back on if you're trying to come up with some meatless meal ideas, budget meal … [Read more...]
All Saints Day Party Games (Fun DIY Ideas For Your Kids!)
I have a lot of resources for planning All Saints Day Parties for Catholic kids, but today I want to specifically share some Saint game ideas with you! If you're having a party this year, here are some DIY Saint themed game ideas to make your party extra fun and also help kids learn a thing or 2 about the Saints! You can find all of my All Saints' Day resources for kids here. The basic … [Read more...]