Search Results for: mass

Psalm Scripture Memory Cards For Catholics (And Songs That Go With Them)

I made a pack of Scripture Memorcy cards that has only verses from the book of Psalms. I specifically chose Psalms that Catholics are already familiar with. All of the artwork on the cards is my own. :-) My hope is that memorizing Scripture we're already somewhat familiar with as Catholics will build our confidence and lead to further Scripture memorization, which is something I desperately … [Read more...]

Catholic Books Of The Bible Resources For Kids- Song, Free Printables, and More!

When we first began our journey through Tell Me About The Catholic Faith, the first 2-page spread was about the Bible in general. I love this! Scripture time in Catholic ABCs begins with a little introduction to the Bible for preschoolers each week, so it felt good to take that to the next level for my older kids. My Thoughts On Pages 10-11: I was really pleased with the way the … [Read more...]

Spine For Catholic Religion Curriculum- Teaching Multiple Ages

My kids are ages 2, 4, 6, and 8. I currently homeschool everyone, and that includes our Religious Education. (Even when we do attend Religious Ed at our church, which we're not doing this year, I still teach Religion at home.) This year, we have been using Tell Me About The Catholic Faith (which I shorten to TMACF) as the spine for our Religion curriculum, joined with my pack of notebooking … [Read more...]

How To Craft A Crucifix For Catholic Kids

Find all of my Mass crafts and activities for kids here. I’m continuing my series, showing you how to make a Mass kit for kids piece by piece. Today, I’m going to show you how to easily craft a versatile crucifix that can stand up on a table top, or be used on a stick for pretend altar servers. You can find the navigation page of how to make all the Mass kit pieces for kids … [Read more...]

Choose a Patron Saint for the New Year

A few years ago online (I wish I could remember where) I read about a Catholic family's New Year's tradition to choose a new patron saint for their family each year. I thought this was a great idea! Choose a saint that you feel would be a good fit for your family- something relative to you. A few years ago, we chose St. Anthony because my family is hopelessly disorganized, and we constantly … [Read more...]

Speaking At World Meeting Of Families

I have a VERY exciting announcement today- I am going to be presenting at the World Meeting of Families 2015 in Philadelphia!!! For anyone who doesn't know, the "World Meeting of Families" is very similar to "World Youth Day" but for families rather than youth... and yes, Pope Francis is planning on coming! (I'm not saying Pope Francis is planning on coming to my talk, just that he'll be at … [Read more...]

How To Craft A Wooden Monstrance For Catholic Kids

Find all of my Mass crafts and activities for kids here. I’m continuing my series, showing you how to make a Mass kit for kids piece by piece. Today, I’m going to show you how to easily craft a sturdy wooden monstrance. You can find the navigation page of how to make all the Mass kit pieces for kids here. Supplies Needed:  Wooden candle stick holder (available at craft … [Read more...]

All Saints’ Day Costume Share; Vote For Your Favorite!

I thought it would be really fun to share pictures of our kids in their All Saints' day costumes and have a little contest! The winner will receive a free Mass book. I'm hosting the first annual All Saints' day contest on the Catholic Icing facebook page from now through the end of Monday. How to enter the costume contest: Share your photos in the comments of this facebook post. To post … [Read more...]

How To Craft A Thurible For Catholic Kids

Find all of my Mass crafts and activities for kids here. I’m continuing my series, showing you how to make a Mass kit for kids piece by piece. Today, I’m going to show you how to craft a thurible, which is the incense thingy. You can find the navigation page of how to make all the Mass kit pieces for kids here. Supplies Needed:  Wiffle ball Chain (a pet chain, a chain for … [Read more...]

How To Craft A Chalice, Ciborium, and Paten

Find all of my Mass crafts and activities for kids here. I've been wanting a Mass kit for my kids for some time now, but the reality is, they are expensive! Even the little ones made from felt cost nearly $100, and don't include all the pieces. The really nice ones, also over $100, also don't include all the pieces I was looking for. Also, even if I had the expensive sets, it really stresses me … [Read more...]