Search Results for: mass

Meet The Team

Our Story Catholic Icing was founded in 2009. This is a site dedicated to providing quality, affordable, and easy to use materials for raising Catholic children in the faith.  God always seems to place the right people in the path of Catholic Icing at the right moments, so over the years we have been adding to the team of helpers.  Let's Meet The Team! Lacy Lynch is the founder and … [Read more...]

How To Celebrate Candlemas With Catholic Children

Candlemas is a Catholic feast day that happens every year on February 2. In Jewish tradition at the time, a baby boy was to be presented at the temple 40 days after he was born to be dedicated to God, so Candlemas is 40 days after Christmas morning. This day used to be known as the "purification of Mary", as mothers were purified at the temple that day from having their baby. There are tons of fun … [Read more...]

How To Make A Yarn Doll Nativity (Inexpensive And Easy!)

I always loved making yarn dolls when I was a kid! I think it's a super great craft for kids because it's easy to do, you can make them inexpensively, and you end up with a cute cuddly toy that is actually fun to play with and keep around. My kids went through a phase where they were obsessed with making yarn dolls, so I thought, why not twist that to point to the true meaning of Christmas by … [Read more...]

Advent Saints- December Feasts Days To Celebrate With Kids

There are plenty of feast days to celebrate with Catholic kids during Advent to really enhance your time with your family and turn it towards the true meaning of the season. You can click each day (well, most of them anyway) to go to all of my resources about that feast day. You'll find tons of crafts, activities, printables, and more for celebrating these Advent Saint feast days! I guarantee that … [Read more...]

New Online Community For Catholic Moms (AND A Flash Sale!)

I am super excited to announce that today is opening day for an all new online community for Catholic moms! It's called The Faith Weavers, A Community Of Catholic Moms Living The Liturgical Year. The name was chosen based on this post I wrote about weaving the faith into your every day lives with your kids.  I am launching this group with a fantastic bunch of amazing Catholic mothers, … [Read more...]

Teaching Liturgical Colors To Kids- Catholic Craft

When you are living the liturgical year at home with your Catholic kids, it is only natural to want to teach kids about the liturgical colors that go with the Catholic liturgical seasons. This easy and affordable craft can help teach your children about the Catholic liturgical calendar colors, does NOT involve sewing, and can last your family for years to come! First of all, if you have a … [Read more...]

How To Celebrate Michaelmas – The Feast Day Of St. Michael

Catholic families that live the liturgical year at home look forward to celebrating the feast of the Archangels every year on September 29!  You can find all my my resources for feast days to celebrate in September here. Today, I would like to share with you some ideas and activities to celebrating Michaelmas with your Catholic kids, but first, I want to share a little bit about this day with … [Read more...]

Living The Liturgical Year At Home- How To Get Started

Do you want to celebrate the liturgical year at home, but you don't know where to start? Or maybe you don't even know what living liturgically means. Either way, you have come to the right place. So, what is the liturgical year? There's no reason to be confused or intimidated by this terminology. The liturgical year is just another way of saying church year or christian calendar. The term … [Read more...]

Catholic Religious Ed… Whose Job Is It? A Shocking Catechism Reveal

Making sure that our kids get a good Catholic religious education is important. You may decide to accomplish this by taking your kids to CCD each Wednesday night, or by dropping them at Catholic school each morning. Whatever your system is, today I want to share with you just what the Catechism says about educating our children, because I consider it actually shocking. But first, a question. … [Read more...]

Bible Resources For Catholic Kids

Catholics have more books in our Bible than the protestants, more chapters in some of our other books, and we number the Psalms differently than them as well- not to even mention different translations! Did you know Catholics even number the days of creation and the 10 commandments differently than protestants? Given the many differences between Catholic bibles and protestant ones, I wanted to … [Read more...]