Search Results for: mass

How And Why To Celebrate Pentecost With Your Kids

We are going to look at celebrating Pentecost with your Catholic kids by breaking down what happened on the first Pentecost. Sometimes looking at a break down of the different parts of the day we are celebrating helps to spark an idea for how to celebrate it. After all, the whole point of doing these fun celebration activities is so that our kids learn the meaning behind the feast day. :-) You can … [Read more...]

Transform Your Prayer Life With Prayer Box Dividers

I usually post stuff on this site for your kids, but today, this post is for YOU. God is calling you to have a personal relationship and prayer life with him. I started realizing that if I'm not cultivating my personal relationship with Jesus, what am I doing the rest of this stuff for? This is what it's all about! As I started feeling a strong calling to strengthen my prayer life, a friend of … [Read more...]

One Activity For Each Sunday Of Easter- Celebrating The Octave Of Easter

In the interest of celebrating the entire Easter season with Catholic kids (it lasts for 50 whole days!!!) I made this list of things you can do each Sunday of Easter with your kids. These are all things that you do while at church on Sunday after mass, and the activities generally involve very little prep. Printable For The Sundays Of Easter Before we jump into the 8 simple ways to … [Read more...]

Celebrating The Entire Easter Season With Catholic Kids- All 50 Days!

All the Easter crafts, snacks, games, books, etc. couldn't possibly all happen on actual Easter Sunday- it's too much! But that’s ok because the Church, in her infinite wisdom, granted an entire season of Easter that lasts for 50 days, all the way through Pentecost!  The secular (cultural) world tends to celebrate Easter during Lent up until Easter Sunday, and then packs up all the … [Read more...]

40 Simple Lenten Traditions For Families {With Little To No Prep Work}

Observing Lent in your family doesn't have to be hard or complicated. There are so many simple things that families can do to make Lent meaningful for the whole family. I especially love starting traditions that last year after year! You can find all of my Lenten resources for families here. Today let's look at 40 simple Lenten traditions for families that don't take much prep … [Read more...]

Catholic Kid Books For Every Home

I love having Catholic books for kids in my home. When beginning your home library of Catholic children's books, I think it's important to remember that you can build the library over time, so it's fine to start small. Here are my Catholic kid book recommendations: Saint Treasury For Kids When you’re starting to teach your kids about the lives of the Saints, I suggest starting with a Saint … [Read more...]

Crafty Jesse Tree Ornament Ideas (Wood, Clay, Paint, More!)

If you have ever wanted to start a Jesse Tree but felt overwhelmed, know that everything you need to get started is in this post, and I have a really fun free printable for you as well! Jesse trees can be so different from family to family. They can be bought or made, the ornaments can be crafted out of practically anything, and I love how unique and beautiful they all are! Be sure to check out my … [Read more...]

Jesse Trees- What Is It And How To Get Started

The Jesse Tree is a beautiful Advent tradition that many Christians use to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas. It's a kind of special Advent countdown calendar that is focused on the true meaning of the season, and it is a great way to teach children about the plan of redemption from creation through salvation, tying the Old Testament to the New Testament! It is not hard or complicated, … [Read more...]

Free Printable Scripture Thanksgiving Handprint Craft

I've been working on a new project that I'm really excited about and I wanted to share a preview {and a freebie!} with all of you for Thanksgiving! So a handprint turkey is a classic, but I have mixed it here with a printable that includes a thankful scripture. It includes a scripture, in fact, that Catholics are going to instantly recognize from singing it in Mass their whole lives. :-) … [Read more...]

Teach Catholic Kids About The Trinity- A New Book For St. Patrick’s Day

Well, I'm very excited to tell you that I wrote another book! I actually wrote it a few years ago (lol) and then life crashed and I never published it. It's meant to be the first in a series of which I have already started others. We will see how you guys like it as to whether or not the series continues... Click here to go over to the purchasing page So as my kids started getting a bit … [Read more...]