Search Results for: mass

What To Give Up For Lent: The Ultimate List Of Ideas From Over 100 Catholic Moms!!!

I want to start out by saying that rather than just thinking of what to "give up" for Lent, you should also think of what you can "take up" during Lent. The idea is to try adding more prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to your life during the Lenten season. (When we "give something up", that falls under "fasting".) Sacrifice through fasting is important because during Lent, we are reflecting … [Read more...]

Observing Lent: Do Sundays and Special Celebration Days “Count”?

We have a large community here at Catholic Icing, so I know I'm right when I assume that some of you have kids with a birthday on Ash Wednesday, or on a Friday during this Lent. Or maybe there is a graduation celebration, a wedding, or something else coming up and the timing was out of your control. Someone reading this right now has been stressed out wondering what to do about that. So … [Read more...]

Catholic Home Altar Resources

There is nothing tricky or fancy about setting up a home altar. It's a simple thing to do and a beautiful way to live the liturgical year at your home. Here are some resources for you when designing your home altar. Printable Monthly Home Altar Packs Catholic Icing now offers a monthly membership program that includes printable home altars for each month! The home altar downloads … [Read more...]

Lenten Activities For Children

Lent is a great liturgical season to observe with kids to help teach them about the church year. Lent is the 40 days the come before Easter, and it is a season of adding extra prayers, fasting, and almsgiving. There are many ways to celebrate (or observe) Lent with children, and this is my page that links out to all of the resources I have available to help you with this! I hope you find these … [Read more...]

The Story Of Our Santa Lucia Celebration In Pictures

This year, we got invited to my sister-in-law's house for a St. Lucy day party after Mass, and I wanted to share the pictures with ya'll. You can find all of my resources for celebrating the feast day of St. Lucy here. We made a St. Lucy yarn doll Arriving at Aunt Teresa's house She made the girls St. Lucy crowns, and the boys star boy hats! My niece did the honors of passing out the … [Read more...]

The Story Of My Trip To World Meeting Of Families In Photos

Many of you followed my pilgrimage to see Pope Francis on Instagram, but I wanted to share even more of my story with you! This trip was an experience of a lifetime- I'm going to let the photos do most of the talking here. :-) Exhibit hall The kids in the Youth Congress made my Pope Puppets!!! :-) Pope puppets actually made it onto TV. Anyone else see them? So exciting! … [Read more...]

Taking Flowers To Mary With Kids

Here's my post from a few years ago about honoring Mary in May. I have links to all of my May Crowning resources at the bottom of this post. I hope your family is blessed with some ideas. :-) Since the month of May is dedicated to Mary, it's a great time to honor her with your little ones! You can find all of my ideas about how to honor Mary with kids in May here, and today we are going to talk … [Read more...]

Holy Week Notebooking Pages And Resources For Kids

We have been continuing on our journey of religious notebooking, and today we covered the topic of the last supper and the crucifixion! I have been creating these notebooking pages as a series to go along with the book Tell Me About The Catholic Faith, but you could certainly use these to teach kids about Holy Thursday and the passion of Christ whether or not you are reading that book. You can … [Read more...]

Playing With Saint Peg Dolls- What To Do, How To Store, and More!

I knew one thing as soon as I signed up for the peg doll exchange- at our house, these were meant to be classic toys, not knick knacks to collect dust! I wanted the kids to really play with them. Well, wish granted. I seriously don't think more than a handful of days has gone by since they opened them on Christmas that the kids haven't played with these wooden Saint dolls. My First … [Read more...]

Psalms Notebooking Pages- Free To Print

We have been continuing on our journey of religious notebooking, and today we covered the topic of the Psalms! I have been creating these notebooking pages as a series to go along with the book Tell Me About The Catholic Faith, but you could certainly use these to teach kids about the Psalms whether or not you are reading that book. You can find the entire 130 page pack of matching notebooking … [Read more...]