Search Results for: prayer activities

Saint Feast Days In June (And Other Days To Celebrate With Kids!)

I love coming up with fun and creative ways to live the liturgical year at home with kids, and June is full of fun Saint feast days to celebrate! Keep scrolling to the bottom of the post because it also includes other fun June feast days and faith filled Summer activities for kids! Now let's look at these highlights of fun June Saint feast days to celebrate with links to crafts, food, and … [Read more...]

How To Celebrate Saint Feast Days With Kids

Years ago I set out on a journey to start living the Catholic faith at home and make it fun for my kids. I would later learn that this concept is called living the liturgical year at home. All this means is that we are celebrating holidays and holy days with our kids, but days from the church calendar rather than the secular calendar. I have a post all about how to get started living liturgically … [Read more...]

Celebrating the Solemnity Of The Ascension With Kids (Crafts, Printables, More!)

The story of the ascension of Jesus into heaven is such a great Bible story to teach children!  I always find that when I reach kids on their own level with fun, hands-on activities, it helps them learn the story and retain it longer. You can find all of my Bible crafts for kids here. Ascension Thursday or Sunday is the perfect time to celebrate the solemnity of the ascension with kids, so … [Read more...]

St. Therese For Kids (Crafts, Printables, And More!)

Saint Therese is an amazing Saint with some very inspiring quotes, and an even more inspiring life! Kids and adults alike fall in love with her story, her sacrifice beads, and her "little ways". When celebrating the liturgical year at home, you do not want to miss teaching your kids about St. Therese! You can read here about how to celebrate Saint feast days at home with your kids. Today, let's … [Read more...]

Ascension of Jesus Crafts for Kids

The solemnity of the Ascension of Jesus is such a great day to celebrate with kids when living the liturgical year in your home!  I always find that when I reach kids on their own level with fun, hands-on activities, it helps them learn the story and retain it longer. You can find all of my resources for celebrating the ascension with kids here. Today, let's check out these ascension of Jesus … [Read more...]

Our Lady of Fatima For Kids (Crafts, Printables, Recipes, And More!)

The feast day of Our Lady Of Fatima lands each year on May 13, and this is a super fun feast day to celebrate when living the liturgical year at home with your Catholic kids! (The anniversary of the miracle of the spinning sun is on October 13, so that is a great day for these activities as well!) This is such a really fun story and miracle to celebrate with kids, and there are lots of ways to … [Read more...]

Weekly Mass Resources For Kids (When Attending Mass Isn’t Possible)

Well it's happening, people. Churches all over the world are closing, and Mass is not possible for everyone in the near months because of precautions taken for the coronavirus. If your Masses have been canceled where you live, or if you can't attend for another reason, your obligation is lifted. However, when Mass isn't an option, especially long term, it becomes all the more important to send the … [Read more...]

Coronavirus: Home Resources For Catholics

During the Covid-19 precautions, Catholics all over the world are being affected. As we cannot gather in groups, we must find ways to continue with our faith journey at home. There are so many resources available and so many ways to still be connected to the Catholic community, many right now that are being offered totally for free! So here is a round up of home resources for Catholics to use … [Read more...]

How To Set Up A Lent Table- Lent Home Altar Ideas

During Lent, we like to have a Lent table where we can set objects that remind our family of the liturgical season. These kinds of tables can have multiple names such as prayer tables, or home altars. It doesn't have to be a table either- any surface will do, including a shelf. You can read my basic post about how to set up a home altar here. This is a simple tradition that can really keep your … [Read more...]

Ash Wednesday For Kids (Traditions, Printables, & Resources)

Ash Wednesday is the first day in the season of Lent. Lent can be observed by all Christians, and it is a beautiful way to remember Jesus' sacrifice for us and prepare us for the Easter season. During Lent, we remember the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert being tempted by the devil. We do extra prayers, fasting, and almsgiving during this season of Lent. Ash Wednesday has many traditions for … [Read more...]