Find all of my First Communion Resources Here
As Lydia prepares for her First Holy Communion this Saturday, I wanted to do a few personal things for her to keep in her First Communion Journal, and I decided it would be so sweet if she could write a Eucharistic poem! We went with a haiku to make it short and simple.
A haiku poem is a traditional Japanese poem. The basic “rules” are that it’s 3 lines: the first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables. Yep, those are the only rules. 🙂
Here is the haiku poem Lydia wrote about the Eucharist:
The host tastes like bread.
I know that it is truly
The Body of Christ.
First she brainstormed list of words and phrases that she thought of when she thought of the Eucharist. The she started writing stuff out, and trying to make the syllables work. When she was finished, she neatly wrote out her final version.
I will admit that I was honestly trying to steer her towards something a little more emotional, including words like “precious” or “excited”… but she is very logical and straightforward like her Daddy. 😉 So then I wrote my own:
Blessed, precious, loved,
I adore in total awe,
My Lord and my God.
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We combined Lydia’s poem with her beautiful monstrance coloring page from the Sense Of Sacred Coloring Book (which is beautiful and I totally recommend, by the way).
I did happen to make a Eucharistic Haiku poem download that you’re welcome to print for free, and has another beautiful monstrance to color on it.
Print your Eucharistic haiku template page here.
This would be a great activity before or after First Communion, or anytime really! Haiku poems are such a fast and easy way to get children started in poetry.
Find all of my First Communion Resources Here
I really like your daughter’s poem (and that’s even despite the fact that I don’t believe in transubstantiation!). I think it expresses faith well – it seems like x is the case, but I KNOW (not just ‘believe’) that y is actually true.